
Thursday 26 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th August, 2021

26th August, 2021.

It’s official: I’m knackered.

If you’ll excuse the term.

But that’s what you get when you stay up late, writing reviews of movies you’ve seen.

If you can access it, Censor is worth a go.


Now, I know I don’t usually do politics … but occasionally?

I do politics.

Right at the moment, I’m off sick, job hunting and getting Universal Credit.

Those of us on the benefit?   Are getting the twenty pound a week uplift: introduce in 2020, to help offset the effects of COVID-19.

It’s due to end in October.

Radio 4’s today programme is doing a piece on it, now.


Because two Conservative MPs have written an open letter to the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson: urging that the uplift be made permanent.

I hope it works.

They extra money is too damn useful.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, NinaOlga‡, Mum^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        26th August is the feast day of Alexander of Bergamo.   Bergamo is in which European country: Spain, Italy or France?

Q2)        Antoine Lavoisier was born on 26th August, 1743.   He was a French what: chemist, physicist or geologist?

Q3)        Drummer, Jet Black, was born on 26th August, 1938.   He’s one of the founding members of which band: the Sex Pistols, the Stranglers or the Damned?

Q4)        Don LaFontaine was born on 26th August, 1940.   Known as the Voice of God, he recorded over 5000 what: movie trailers, songs or adverts

Q5)        Finally … ?   Ola Ray was born on 26th August, 1960.   She played Michael Jackson’s girlfriend in the video for which song: Billie-Jean, Beat It or Thriller?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Tim Burton was born on the 25th of August.   Of which year of the 1950s?
A1)        1958. (He’s a year and a day younger than Stephen Fry)

Q2)        Which 1988 Tim Burton film starred Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis and Michael Keaton?
A2)        Beetlejuice.

Q3)        Keaton played the main character in which Burton-directed, super hero film: Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman
A3)        Batman.

Q4)        2001 saw Burton direct a version of what: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Planet of the Apes or 2001: A Space Odyssey?
A4)        Planet of the Apes.

Q5)        Finally … ?   2016 saw Burton direct Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.   Who played Miss Peregrine in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
A5)        Eva Green.   (Imaging you’ve just made a tray of toffee: it’s finished cooking and you’ve taken it out of the oven.   The smell from that toffee, the smell of cooling toffee as it crazes in the tray, that hint of sugar and butterscotch, of warm toffee?   That’s Eva Green’s voice.)
Here’s a thought … 
“There goes any anonymity I might have had...”
Don LaFontaine, August 26, 1940 – September 1, 2008.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Ahh!   That, Trevor, is because Olga is Schrödinger’s Contestant: we don’t know what her score is under we correct it … … 
        Um … 

        Hmmm … You know, Nina, you might have to insert a URL … 

        Yeah, I usually try and make a list, Olga.   There’s always something I forget to put on it, though.   I still need salt and gravy granules.   Wouldn’t you know it?   (I hope you don’t mind being compared to Schrödinger’s cat!)

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        Him and Ozzy Osbourne, Debbi.   How the pair of them are still upright I don’t know!   (I’ve still never read The Iron Man!)


  1. A1 Italy
    A2 chemist
    A3 the Stranglers
    A4 movie trailers
    A5 Thriller

    It is certainly Autumnal out there today. I was glad that I put one of my fleece jackets on at 07.30 when I went for my paper.

  2. 1 Italy
    2 Chemist
    3 The Stranglers
    4 Adverts
    5 Thriller

  3. Q1) Italy

    Q2) Chemist

    Q3) The Stranglers

    Q4) Movie trailers

    Q5) Thriller
    The worst thing is when you go to buy something especially, and you come back with a lot of items, but not that elusive one you went to get.
    Keep us posted on the uplift.
    Oh, and no offence at all. I keep wondering what said cat must have thought about all this fuss, and why I cat, but...

  4. Can't say that I've read it, since I haven't. :)

    1. Italy
    2. chemist
    3. the Stranglers
    4. movie trailers
    5. Thriller


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