
Friday 27 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-8-2021: Gein.

27th August, 2021.

Yep: I’ve got a hygienist appointment, today.

This afternoon, in fact.

I’m … 

Well, happy to be getting out of the house, frankly.

And getting a good clean.

I’m just not sure about the weather.


Oh … It’s the 27th August.

You’d noticed.

You’d possibly also noticed I like a movie, occasionally: with Censor being the most recent I’d seen.

I’ve also been aware of an updated version of Candyman in the works: which is due out, today.

I’ll have to see if ot’s on a Video on Demand service: it looks interesting.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Serial killer, Ed Gein, was born: on 27th August of which year?

Q2)        He was known as the Plainfield what: ghost, ghoul or gismo?

Q3)        According to Wikipedia, he killed how many victims: two, three or four? 

Q4)        He’s said to have inspired which thriller novel: The Scarf, Spiderweb or Psycho?

Q5)        Finally … ?   He died where: a prison, a psychiatric hospital or a cruise liner?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        26th August is the feast day of Alexander of Bergamo.   Bergamo is in which European country: Spain, Italy or France?
A1)        Italy.

Q2)        Antoine Lavoisier was born on 26th August, 1743.   He was a French what: chemist, physicist or geologist?
A2)        Chemist.

Q3)        Drummer, Jet Black, was born on 26th August, 1938.   He’s one of the founding members of which band: the Sex Pistols, the Stranglers or the Damned?
A3)        The Stranglers.

Q4)        Don LaFontaine was born on 26th August, 1940.   Known as the Voice of God, he recorded over 5000 what: movie trailers, songs or adverts
A4)        Movie trailers.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Ola Ray was born on 26th August, 1960.  She played Michael Jackson’s girlfriend in the video for which song: Billie-Jean, Beat It or Thriller?
A5)        Thriller.   (Whatever you say about Jackson, he did some good pop.   The video for Thriller, itself?   Set a standard.   Here.)
Here’s a thought … 
“They smelled too bad.”
Gein was charged with stealing corpses: this was his reply, when asked if he’d had sex with them … 
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I might have to wear a coat, myself, Trevor: we’ll have to see.

        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, I’ve gone that so many times, Olga!   I know I’m going to have to get tinfoil, give you An example!
        About the cat: it’s from something I said to Trevor, yesterday, when I gave you too different scores.   You’re Schrödinger’s Contestant: and we don’t know what you’ve scored, until we look.   Or need to double check … !

^        I know what you mean, Debbi.   That’s kind of why I ordered it.   (Oh, did you ever see the original Candyman?   The remake’s out today: complete with Tony Todd — Kurn, Worf’s brother — reprising his role as Candyman.)


  1. A1 1906
    A2 Ghoul
    A3 Two
    A4 Psycho
    A5 psychiatric hospital

    Last night I saw another 2 episodes of “The Watch”. It has grown on me. It is so bad that it is good.

  2. Q1) 1906

    Q2) Ghoul

    Q3) Two

    Q4) Psycho

    Q5) A psychiatric hospital
    I see! I doubt that I'll be able to participate tomorrow. I checked what time I have to be at the award ceremony tomorrow morning (it isn't as grand as that, but well), and it is earlier than I expected, as we have to keep a record of everybody who attends, and set the place, then my cousin is coming for lunch, and in the early afternoon, I'll have to be back at the radio station to join the mobile unit to catch on the last afternoon of the festa major, until latish... But, if I survive, I shall be there on Sunday.
    Enjoy your visit to the dental hygienist!

  3. 1 1906
    2 Ghoul
    3 Two
    4 Psycho
    5 Hospital

  4. Actually, I haven't. Really never got much into that kind of horror.

    1. 1906
    2. ghoul
    3. he confessed to killing two victims
    4. Psycho
    5. a psychiatric hospital

  5. Love the picture of Schrödinger's cats! :)


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