
Saturday 28 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th August, 2021.

28th August, 2021.

Yes: I was at the hygienists, yesterday.

I came back with cleaner teeth.

Obviously.   That’s why they call them hygienists!

I also came away with a couple of Disclosing Tablets: a couple of pills that turn any of my teeth covered in plaque, purple.

The idea is it helps you get rid of any muck: you aim for the purple bits.


I think I need another go.

Just to make sure … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        28th August, 2020, saw the sad death of actor, Chadwick Boseman.   He played which Marvel Universe character: Black Panther, Thor or Iron Man?

Q2)        Shania Twain was born on 28th August, 1965.   Where’s she from: the USA, Canada or Mexico?

Q3)        28th August, 1962, saw the birth of director, David Fincher.   Which of his films saw Brad Pitt play soap sales man, Tyler Durden: Panic Room, Mank or Fight Club?

Q4)        William Herschel discovered a moon of Saturn: on 28th August, 1789.   Which moon: Mimas, Enceladus or Titan?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Wayne Osmond — of the Osmonds — was born on 28th August, 1951.   He, and the rest of the band, were from which US state: Utah, Texas or New Jersey?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Serial killer, Ed Gein, was born: on 27th August of which year?
A1)        1906.

Q2)        He was known as the Plainfield what: ghost, ghoul or gismo?
A2)        Ghoul.

Q3)        According to Wikipedia, he killed how many victims: two, three or four?
A3)        Two. (He was tried for the death of Bernice Worden: and admitted the death of Mary Hogan.)

Q4)        He’s said to have inspired which thriller novel: The Scarf, Spiderweb or Psycho?
A4)        Psycho: the book eventually inspired this film.   (I don’t know what’s more menacing: Perkins’ performance as Norman Bates, or Hitchcock’s trailer.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   He died where: a prison, a psychiatric hospital or a cruise liner?
A5)        A psychiatric hospital: the Mendota Mental Health Institute, if you want to be precise.
Here’s a thought … 
“I don’t think I’ve done my best work yet, you know what I’m saying?   It ain’t no time to rest right now.”
Chadwick Boseman, November 29, 1976 – August 28, 2020.
RIP, Chadwick.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m STILL going nowhere near it, Trevor!

        Enjoy the day, Olga!   Give your cousin my regards: and make sure you put your feet up, at some point!   See you on Sunday!

        Hello, Mum!

^        I can understand that, Debbi: but Candyman’s a little different to the usual slasher flick.   It’s got a Philip Glass sound track, for a start!
        Feel free to steal the picture!


  1. 1 Black Pabther
    2 Canada
    3 Fight Club
    4 Titan
    5 Utah

  2. A1 Black Panther
    A2 Canada
    A3 Fight Club
    A4 Enceladus
    A5 Utah

    I remember The Osmands. When on contract to Gulf oil who’s office was near Oxford street I was taken to lunch at a near-by hotel where Gulf Oil tried to poach me from the firm I worked for.

    It was a noisy Lunch because the hotel was surrounded by the fans of 2 American groups who were staying in the hotel. On one side of the hotel was the Osmands and on another side the Jackson Five. At odd times members of the groups waved out of the upstairs windows causing great screams from the army of girl fans round the hotel.

    Gulf Oil did not get me but I was back there about a year later on another three month contract.

  3. 1. Black Panther
    2. Canada
    3. Fight Club
    4. Mimas
    5. Utah

    Love the song you picked for today! Seen her perform it live. She's amazing!!!

  4. Really? Hmm ... I should give it a chance, I suppose. I'm often pleasantly surprised by movies and books I'd have thought didn't stand a chance with me.

    1. Black Panther
    2. Canada
    3. Fight Club
    4. Enceladus
    5. Utah


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