
Monday 30 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th August, 2021.

30th August, 2021.

It’s doing it again!

The weather, that is.

It’s looking distantly grey out!

Not that I was planning to go very far … 

But that doesn’t look nice … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Trevor on four and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The Allied Control Council came into being: on 30th August, 1945.   What Axis country was it in charge of: Germany, Japan or Italy?

Q2)        Capability Brown was baptised on 30th August, 1716.   He designed and built what: churches, gardens or shopping malls?

Q3)        Politician, Alexander Lukashenko, was born on 30th August, 1954.   He’s the controversial president of where: Russia, Belarus or the Ukraine?

Q4)        30th August is the feast day of Saint Narcisa de Jesús.   She’s a saint from where: Ecuador, Colombia or French Guiana?

Q5)        Finally … ?   30th August, 1983, saw Guion S. Blufold become the first African American in space: when he was the member of the crew on which which space shuttle: the Enterprise, Challenger or Discovery?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Slava was launched on 29th August, 1903.   It was a battleship of which country’s navy: Imperial Russia’s, Austria-Hungry’s or Imperial Germany’s?
A1)        Imperial Russia’s.

Q2)        Netflix was launched on 29th August, 1997.   What did it originally do: stream video, stream online radio or rent out dvds?
A2)        Rent out dvds.

Q3)        29th August, 1924, saw the birth of singer, Dinah Washington.   She released her version of Ain’t Misbehaving in which year of the 1940s?
A3)        1948.

Q4)        Len Butterfield was born on 29th August, 1913.   He played what for New Zealand: football, rugby or cricket?
A4)        Cricket.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Charlie Yardbird Parker was born on 29th August, 1920.   He played what: trumpet, saxophone or euphonium?
A5)        Saxophone.   (From what I can gather, he mostly played the alto sax.   He would — in theory — be able to play any other saxophone, as the fingerings, the keys, are the same on each size.)
Here’s a thought … 
“In case you're wondering who this funny old bloke is, I’m the one who comes on Radio 1 late at night and plays records made by sulky Belgian art students in basements dying of TB.”
John Peel, 30 August 1939 – 25 October 2004.
Had he survived?   He would have been in his 80s.   And, given his history?   Would still have been doing his late night show.

Here’s a song: one Peelie would possibly have gone nowhere near …

You can see why Father Ted came up with this … 


At any rate, today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Jazzy’s the word, Olga: I’ve had a couple of Charlie Parker compilations sitting around for a while! Giving him and Dinah a mention seemed appropriate.
        It’s a shame Sant couldn’t decorate everything: but that is sensible.   We’re human: and we like touching things.   Next year’s festival should be an improvement.
        Now … what did Little Anna make of the song … ?   And have you played her anything else by Noël Cowardª?   He wrote Mad about the Boy.   (Oh, London Pride is a flower: it grew well in bomb sites.)

        You know, Shirley Bassey has one hell of a reputation, Trevor: as a live act.   And managed a few more modern day tunes.   (I don’t think anyone else could quite match her phrasing.)

        Hello, Mum!

^        You never do, Debbi.   Well … I never do!   Oh, have you and Rick been watching Lower Decks?   It’s hysterical!

ª        Did you ever see The Italian Job, Olga?   Graham Payn, who play’s Noël Coward’s deputy, was Noël longterm lover.


  1. Q1) Germany

    Q2) Gardens (Love the name, and I’ve seen a few of his gardens, well whatever is left of them). I hadn’t realised that he was ‘Lancelot’. Pretty cool as well.

    Q3) Belarus (Our upstairs neighbours are from Belarus. He’s a builder, although I think he’d try his hand at anything related to the trade, or otherwise).

    Q4) Ecuador

    Q5) Challenger
    Oh, she didn't say, but she got much better at phrasal verbs over time, so I guess some of the techniques must have helped. I love Noel Coward songs. And Cole Porter's. And... Well, quite a few. Yes, I've watched the Italian Job. It's a pretty memorable movie, but I don't remember everybody in it. I'll pay more attention next time it is shown (it turns up on the telly here every so often, although I must say they don't show as many old movies as they used to, unfortunately, although they do come up in other places quite often).
    It is pretty cloudy here as well, and we have warnings in place for storms and heavy rain later on. In fact, it is probably raining already, as I've seen somebody walk by with an umbrella.
    Stay dry and safe!

  2. A1 Germany
    A2 gardens
    A3 Belarus
    A4 Ecuador
    A5 Challenger

    Must get my eyes tested for misreading that date yesterday.

    Yes Shirley Bassey did a great live show and the power of that voice of hers is amazing.

  3. 1 Germany
    2 Gardens
    3 Belarus
    4 Ecuador
    5 Challenger

  4. Is it? I've got to get to that! Arghh! :)

    1. Germany
    2. gardens
    3. Belarus
    4. Ecuador
    5. Challenger

    There's a show on Netflix called "Episodes" that sends up Hollywood from a British perspective. Saw the first episode. Looks funny! :)


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