
Tuesday 31 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31st August. 2021.

31st August, 2021.

Yes … it’s raining.

In the immortal words of Janet Weiss.

So … ?   Well, I’ve got to go to town, to put in for a new sick note, and a little shopping.

I’m going to get wet … 


I’ve been out of work, now, since 2018: and it can drag.

Especially when you consider the amount we, as benefit claimants, are paid.

What’s help, over the past few months?   Is the £20 per week uplift to Universal Credit the government introduced in 2020.

It’s a godsend.

One that’s due to end on 30th September,  2021.

Understandably, people are upset.

Me, included.

One thing I’m grateful to see?

Was a piece of news I saw yesterday.

It seems the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all appealed to Westminster — the UK’s central government — to either extend the uplift, again: or make it permanent.

Good for them.

I doubt — right now — that it would work.

After all, the Prime Minister says he wants to concentrate on people having — or getting — paid work.

But, given those better paid jobs aren’t coming my way?

I hope the appeal works.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        North Borneo attained self governance: on 31st August, 1963.   After being a colony of where: the UK, France or Germany?

Q2)        Trinidad and Tobago became independent, a years earlier: on 31st August, 1962.   It’s in which sea … ?

Q3)        31st August, 161 AD, saw the birth of Emperor Commodus.   Emperor Commodus of where: China, Rome or Persia?

Q4)        Clive Lloyd was born on 31st August, 1944.   He played what for the West Indies: football, cricket or rounders?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pádraig Harrington was born on 31st August, 1971.   What does he play: golf, snooker or shinty?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Allied Control Council came into being: on 30th August, 1945.   What Axis country was it in charge of: Germany, Japan or Italy?
A1)        Germany.

Q2)        Capability Brown was baptised on 30th August, 1716.   He designed and built what: churches, gardens or shopping malls?
A2)        Gardens.

Q3)        Politician, Alexander Lukashenko, was born on 30th August, 1954.   He’s the controversial president of where: Russia, Belarus or the Ukraine?
A3)        Belarus.   (Belorussia is the slightly older name for the country.)

Q4)        30th August is the feast day of Saint Narcisa de Jesús.   She’s a saint from where: Ecuador, Colombia or French Guiana?
A4)        Ecuador.

Q5)        Finally … ?   30th August, 1983, saw Guion S. Blufold become the first African American in space, when he was a member of the crew on which which space shuttle: the Enterprise, Challenger or Discovery?
A5)        The Challenger.
Here’s a thought … 
“Would that the Roman people had but one neck!”
Caligula, 31 August 12 – 24 January 41 AD.
And a few pieces from Professor Kim Kashkashian …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of his gardens, Olga.   I’ll have to keep an eye open.   Apparently?   He got the nickname, because he’d say a site had “capabilities for improvement.”   I can mentally hear him saying that in a Yorkshire accent: although he was from Northumberland.
        That’s something else I need to catch up on!   Cole Porter!
        And I’d imagine — if Spain’s like everywhere else — the classics will be on Netflix, rather than the mainstream channels!   Aunty Nellie would have something to say about it.

†        It’s easily done, Trevor: the layout on site page had the 1948 hit directly under the 1946 hits.   And thank GOD you didn’t play any Lulu Bond themes … 

        Hello, Mum!

^        Oh, hang on, Debbi?   Are we talking about the Steven Mangan/Tamsin Grieg/Matt LeBlanc series? I missed it, when it was first on: it was one BBC 2 — and Showtime, in the US — about a decade ago … 


  1. Q1) The UK

    Q2) The Caribbean

    Q3) Rome

    Q4) Cricket

    Q5) Golf
    If you were talking to Debby about Extras, it was quite good (I loved Green Wing and it repeated some of the protagonists...).
    Funnily enough, I was watching Sunset Boulevard yesterday (it was showing on terrestrial TV. Always a classic on Tuesdays on TVE2), and I had forgotten that the Norma Desmond character (Gloria Swanson was magnificent) gives her young lover (although I think she wasn't that much older at the time than William Holden) a gold cigarette case with 'Mad about the boy' written inside.
    I hope you don't get too wet and things work out. Here it rained quite heavily yesterday, and it seems most of the week will be a bit changeable, but it wasn't as bad as in other parts of Spain, where there were terrible floods.

  2. A1 UK
    A2 Caribbean
    A3 Rome
    A4 Cricket
    A5 Golf

    If you want some Lulu here is a little song which may cause an ear-worm.

  3. 1 UK
    2 Caribbean Sea
    3 Persia
    4 Cricket
    5 Golf

  4. Yep, that's the one. I had to laugh when the Tamsin Grieg character accidentally drove on the left side of the road in L.A.! :)

    1. the UK
    2. the Caribbean
    3. Rome
    4. cricket
    5. golf


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