
Wednesday 4 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-8-2021: The Rise of the Phoenix

4th August, 2021

Yes: I’m going to have to … you know … shop … !


I kind of like the idea of bread, milk, fruit, and vegetables.

Including celery: just in case Nina’s reading this!

I’m almost at the end of my chicken and bacon stew*: and thinking it’s time for something else!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum† and Debbi‡ and putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        NASA launched its Phoenix spacecraft: on 4th August of which year: 2005, 2006 or 2007?

Q2)        It landed at its destination on 25th May, 2008.   What planet was it going to: Mars, Venus or Mercury?

Q3)        That planet is the what planet from the sun: the first, second or fourth?

Q4)        Phoenix operated for 157 of that planet’s days.   What are those days called: days, rays or sols?

Q5)        Finally … ?   NASA’s most recent launch to the planet was in which year: 2013, 2016 or 2020?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Writer, Joseph Conrad, died: on 3rd August, 1924.   His 1899 novel, Heart of Darkness, was turned into which film: Apocalypse Now, Bye, Bye, Brazil or The Cat and the Canary?
A1)        Apocalypse Now.

Q2)        The US Senate rafted the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.   On 3rd August of which year of the 1970s?
A2)        1972.

Q3)        3rd August is one of the Feast days of Saint Nicodemus.   According to the Gospel of John, Nicodemus was a what: Pharisee, Sadducee or Essene?
A3)        Pharisee.   (Old Peculiar reader, Nina, tells me Essene is pronounced like the second example given here:

Q4)        3rd August, 1946, saw the opening of Santa Claus Land: the USA’s first theme park.   It’s in which US state?
A4)        Indiana. It’s now called Holiday World & Splashin' Safari: and has a Halloween section.

Q5)        Finally … ? The then tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere — the Sky Tower — was opened: on 3rd August, 1997.   It’s where: Australia, New Zealand or Singapore?
A5)        New Zealand.
Here’s a thought … 
“Its instruments were used to assess the local habitability …”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Phoenix.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        OK: single guy recipe time.   Get a big pot.   Start simmering about a litre of chicken stock.   Fry a couple of slices of bacon, and add those to the stock.   Fry some mushrooms, and add those to the stock.   Add a couple of chopped leeks, chopped spring onions, celery, parsnips and carrots.   Then add the (cooked) chicken.   Add whatever herbs you’ve got.   Let it simmer for about an hour.
        If you make the amounts I do?   You should have enough portions for about a week.

        Hello, Mum!

        Very true, Debbi^: although he had his work cut out for him.   The definitive performance was Alec Guinness’.   (That’s a Morgan they’re driving in this clip.   How on EARTH do civil servants afford a Morgan??)

^        Oh … Lalla Ward’s got a noticeably RP accent, Debbi: so does Patricia Quinn, Magenta from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.   Lalla’s a daughter of the 7th Viscount Bangorª, and Patricia’s Lady Stephens, don’tchaknow … ?

ª        Turns out that — during WW2 — he was the BBC’s war correspondent in Finland …


  1. A1 2007
    A2 Mars
    A3 Fourth
    A4 Sols
    A5 2020

    Did stuff yesterday and forgot to do the quiz.
    Today I am doing the quiz before I start doing more stuff.

  2. 1 2007
    2 Mars
    3 4th
    4 rays
    5 2020

  3. Q1) 2007

    Q2) Mars

    Q3) The fourth

    Q4) sols

    Q5) 2020
    I'm back! Good to see you all again, and I hope your shopping goes well.
    I saw your messages and replied every so often, but other things proved difficult. On the plus side, we finally ended up selling (it was a bargain, but it was more of a headache than it was worth, so at least we no longer need to worry about it, once we've sorted everything out, that is) the mobile home and the land to one of my uncles, who has a house next door and wanted to avoid unwanted neighbours. There were a few upsets in the process, and we also had to pack and get rid of some of the stuff, so we're more tired than when we left, and we still need to sort out a few things. I didn't have much time to catch up on the reading, both for reviews and for a non-fiction academic project I'm working on, so I will be trying to catch up on that until the English classes start again, so although I will probably be around most of the time, if I don't make an appearance some days, don't worry. I probably got caught up doing something else.
    Take care!

  4. You know, I have yet to see Alec Guinness as Smiley. He was Smiley, right? :)

    1. 2007
    2. Mars
    3. fourth
    4. sols
    5. 2020


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