
Tuesday 12 October 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-10-2021: Jesus Christ Superstar

12th October, 2021.

Right … the first thing I did this morning … ?

Was … well, I did several things, this morning: clean my teeth, wash my face, what have you!

But one of the things I did … ?

Was make sure that my copy of Microsoft Teams was working: which it apparently is.

I’ve an interview at eleven, today.

Hopefully, one that will go well … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Edith†, Debbi‡ and Mum^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring five out of five, Debbi on four and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Jesus Christ Superstar debuted on 12th October of which year of the 1970s?

Q2)        Where: Broadway, Milton Keynes or the Ginza?

Q3)        The songs were originally released as a what: an LP, CD or limited edition iPod?

Q4)        Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the music for Jesus Christ Superstar.   Who wrote the lyrics?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Jesus Christ Superstar opened in London, after it debuted. In which year of the 1970s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        11th October is the feast day of Saint Æthelburh of Barking.   Barking is part of which UK city: London, Manchester or Liverpool?
A1)        London.

Q2)        11th October is Old Michaelmas Day.   According to some traditions, the day was supposed to mark the day the Devil fell into what: Hell, the Sargasso Sea or a blackberry bush?
A2)        A blackberry bush.

Q3)        The Treaty of Shaoxing was ratified on 11th October, 1141.   In what’s now which country: Japan, Thailand or China?
A3)        China.   (As Olga will remind us?   The treaty being discussed is Schrödinger’s Peace Treaty.   You won’t know what year it’s in, until you look.)

Q4)        The Second Vatican Council started: on 11th October, 1962.   It was held, where: Rome, Naples or Vatican City?
A4)        Vatican City.   (It was held in Saint Peter’s Basilica.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   STS-92 launched on 11th October, 2000.   The Mission to the International Space Station was on which Space Shuttle: the Enterprise, Columbia, or Discovery?
A5)        The Discovery.
Here’s a quote … 

“Think while you still have me.   Move, while you still see me, ’cause you’ll be lost, you’ll be sorry when I'm gone!”
The character of Jesus, from Jesus Christ Superstar.

And a soundtrack …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I think avoiding the Jin Song Wars, altogether, Olgaª, could be a good idea!   The Wikipedia article on the Wars mention 1142, as well!   All I could go is highlight the issue on as many talk pages as I could!   If you can flag up that Britannica link for me, I’d appreciate it!   (If I do reuse it, I’ll have to put a note in: to tell us there’s conflict about the year.)
        At any rate … ?   The funeral went well enough: and it’s my cousins who were the most deeply affected.   Mark coped well: but Dean was in tears, bless him.

        Cheers, Edithª: although I think my cousins need it more.   (Aunty Thelma was my Uncle Brian’s  wife, and my mum’s sister in law.)

        I’ll be looking forward to it, Debbi!   Oh, did I mention these … ?

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        I have to say, Edith, Olga, the chap that conducted the service was very good.


  1. Q1) 1971

    Q2) Broadway

    Q3) An LP

    Q4) Tim Rice

    Q5) 1972
    The problem with the Britannica is that it doesn't show you full articles unless you are subscribed, so although sometimes it shows you enough to see what you're looking for, that is not always the case. I am not sure which one of the articles that come up when you do the search would contain the information, as I can only see some of it. Checking yesterday's history on my browser, this article definitely mentions 1141 when talking about a peace treaty, but I have other links, although talking about the war and China in general...
    I am pleased to hear the funeral wasn't quite as bad as you expected it to be, but sad for your cousins, of course.
    Good luck with the interview.

  2. 1 1971
    2 Broadway
    3 LP
    4 Tim Rice
    5 1973

  3. 1. 1975
    2. Broadway
    3. Concept Album
    4. Tim Rice
    5. 1976

    That movie version was, I believe, my late mother's favorite musical.

    I send my deepest condolences to your entire family. Sorry for yesterday's error.

  4. I knew some of these without even looking. Um ... wow! :)

    1. 1971
    2. Broadway
    3. on LP (I have a copy still)
    4. Tim Rice
    5. 1972


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