
Sunday 17 October 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th October, 2021.

17th October, 2021.

It was, quite definitely, a strange night.

Last night, that is: for me.

I have to confess, I … well, I got an OK night’s sleep: the CPAP machine I have certainly helps.

But last night … ?   Saw me up, a couple of times, and staring at the walls.


I don’t know.


I mentioned, in yesterday’s Teaser, that I’d seen the Dr Who series thirteen trailer.

Which does look good.

I’m still not necessarily convinced by the new design of Sontaran: the head’s too tall.

I am impressed with the skeleton creatures: the ones that look vaguely like the Cenobites from Hellraiser.

One thing I did notice about publicity shot of whatever those are … ?

Is that it’s the wrong way around: the crystals on the side of the male creatures’s head are on two different sides.

You’d think the BBC would notice these things … 


Just as a final thought … ?

You’ll possibly have released a new Batman movie — called The Batman — is due out.

It does look a little grimdark, doesn’t it?

But in a good way.

At any rate, it’s out on 4th March, next year.

If anyone wants a birthday present buying hint … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡, Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, Mum on eight and Edith on six.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        17th October, 1910, saw the birth of Marina Núñez del Prado.   Marina was a sculptor from which South American country: Argentina, Bolivia or Chile?

Q2)        Hollywood icon, Margarita Carmen Cansino, was born on 17th October, 1918.   She was better known how: Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth or Greta Garbo?

Q3)        17th October is Dessalines Day.   In which Caribbean nation: Haiti, Jamaica or Cuba?

Q4)        Seti 1st’s tomb was discovered on 17th October, 1817.   It’s in the Valley of the what: Kings, Queens or Princes?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cricketer, Martin Donnelly, was born: on 17th October, 1917.   He played cricket for New Zealand, and Rugby for whom: England, New Zealand or Australia?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Oscar Wilde was born, on 16th October.   Of which year of the 1850s?
A1)        1854.

Q2)        In which city: London, Dublin or Edinburgh?
A2)        Dublin.

Q3)        He read — or studied — Classics.   Where: Trinity College Dublin, Saint Andrews, or Peterhouse College Cambridge?
A3)        Trinity College, Dublin.

Q4)        Oscar read Greats at which of Oxford’s colleges: Lincoln, Magdalen or Mansfield?
A4)        Magdalen.   (If I’m thinking of the right college? It’s spelt Magdalen, but pronounced MAUD lin.)

Q5)        He joined what, whilst at Oxford: the Freemasons, the Theosophists or the Golden Dawn?
A5)          The Freemasons.   (Apparently, he joined the Apollo University Lodge.)

Q6)        He didn’t marry his childhood sweetheart, Florence Balcombe.   In part, because she married who: Bram Stoker, George Bernard Shaw or Gerry Rafferty?
A6)        Bram Stoker.

Q7)        His first and only novel was The Picture of Dorian whom: Black, White or Gray?
A7)        The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Q8)        Oscar’s play, Lady Windermere’s Fan, was a what: comedy, tragedy or kitchen sink drama?
A8)        A comedy.

Q9)        Oscar’s Salome was originally written in which language: French, German or Spanish?
A9)        French.   (It was eventually translated into English by Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar’s male lover.)

Q10)        Finally … ?   Jack Worthing, Gwendolen Fairfax and Lady Bracknell appear in Oscar’s 1895 play, The Importance of Being whom?
A10)        The Importance of Being Earnest.
Here’s a thought … 
“Anybody can jump a motorcycle.   The trouble begins when you try to land it.”
Evel Knievel, October 17, 1938 – November 30, 2007.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Funny you should mention James Bond in the same sentence as the 14th Doctor, Olga.   I’m thinking Daniel Craig’s free.   And wondering how he is with green screen.   (I’m assuming some of his free running scenes in the Bond films are done using green screen: otherwise the insurance premiums would be huge!)

        Hello, Mum!

        They’re worth a go, I think, Edith.   Mind you, I would say that!   (The Daleks sound really odd in the movies!   The director didn’t know the lights were supposed to flash in time with the voices.)

^        I think change is inevitable, Debbi: whether we want it or not!   It’s a case of learning to roll with the punches, I think.   Gosh, I sound profound, don’t I … ?
        (Did you see the Cushing Dr Who movies, Debbi?   The Daleks sound odd: because the director didn’t know the lights were supposed to flash when they spoke: so the dubbed voices speed up and slow down, in a strange way.)
        Now … how did I score … ?


  1. Just so everyone knows, the next ten question set’s on the 19th: it’s about Oxfordshire … 

  2. 1. Bolivia
    2. Rita Hayworth
    3. Cuba
    4. Kings
    5. England

    It is good to know about the Dalek voices.

  3. 1 Bolivia
    2 Rita Hayworth
    3 Haiti
    4 Kings
    5 England

  4. Q1) Bolivia (We share the surname! Mind you, it is fairly common)

    Q2) Rita Hayworth

    Q3) Haiti

    Q4) Valley of the Kings

    Q5) England
    Well, that's a thought! I hope your night today is a bit more normal.

  5. You got five out of five, natch (as they used to say)! :)

    I owe you an ebook!

    1. Bolivia
    2. Rita Hayworth
    3. Haiti
    4. Kings
    5. England

    FWIW, #3 was Ross Macdonald. Note the (slightly odd) lack of capitalization. But I don't count off on spelling. You put up with my Americanisms, so ... you're a winner! :)


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