
Monday 18 October 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th October, 2021.

18th October, 2021. 

It’s a Monday morning.

You’ve possibly noticed, haven’t you?

And frankly, the start of a new week.

Which means … ?

Not much.

My benefit’s gone down: it’s frightening to see by exactly how much.

Wondering how I and others managed, prior to the Pandemic?

Is depressing.

To say the least.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Edith*, Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        18th October, 1919, saw the birth of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.   He and his son have both served as Prime Minister of Canada. Which son: Justin, Michel or Alexandre?

Q2)        Jessica Meir and Christina Koch performed the first all female space walk: on 18th October of which year: 2017, 2018 or 2019?

Q3)        18th October is the feast of Luke the Evangelist.   He’s the patron saint of whom: artists, musicians or actors?

Q4)        18th October, 1983, saw the birth of Brazilian football, Dante.   He currently plays for which French side: Lyon, Marseilles or Nice?

Q5)        Finally … ? 18th October, 1987, saw the birth of actor, Zac Efron.   Which serial killer did he play in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile: Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper or David Berkowitz?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th October, 1910, saw the birth of Marina Núñez del Prado.   Marina was a sculptor from which South American country: Argentina, Bolivia or Chile?
A1)        Bolivia.

Q2)        Hollywood icon, Margarita Carmen Cansino, was born on 17th October, 1918.   She was better known how: Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth or Greta Garbo?
A2)        Rita Hayworth.

Q3)        17th October is Dessalines Day.   In which Caribbean nation: Haiti, Jamaica or Cuba?
A3)        Haiti: it’s named for Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of the country’s founding fathers.

Q4)        Seti 1st’s tomb was discovered on 17th October, 1817.   It’s in the Valley of the what: Kings, Queens or Princes?
A4)        Kings.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cricketer, Martin Donnelly, was born: on 17th October, 1917.   He played cricket for New Zealand, and Rugby for whom: England, New Zealand or Australia?
A5)        England.
Here’s a thought … 
“Actors are always in trouble.   A director who isn’t a help is a drag.”
George C. Scott, October 18, 1927 – September 22, 1999.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        That it is, Edith.   I had another look at the first one, yesterday: it really does make the Daleks sound odd!

†        Hello, Mum!

        Funny old thing, Olga, I saw Marina’s surname and thought “Gosh, that’s familiar!”   Ahem!   I can’t think why it grabbed me!   All I need now is a Mack, Reuwer and another Downieª, and I’m laughing!
        And cheers: I slept a bit better!

^        Cheers, Debbi!   And I’ll know the spelling for later … !   And replied to the email … !   You have a  packet or several heading your way … !
        Hmmm … What are you planning for Black Friday?   Amazon usually have deals on external drives, if needed … !

ª        As far as I can tell, Olga?   We’re not related to Ellie or Becky, the gymnasts. 


  1. Q1) Justin

    Q2) 2019

    Q3) Artists

    Q4) Nice

    Q5) Ted Bundy
    I'm not related to any of the best known Núñez or the historical ones as well (Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, quite an interesting character, notwithstanding the funny name, and Vasco Núñez de Balboa), but, who knows?
    They didn't provide much money relief here during the pandemic, and with the electricity prices as they are, it's going to be a tough winter for many. Thankfully my mother and I live together and we're pretty frugal, but her pension is tiny (once my father died, they half the money widows get, as if they didn't have to pay pretty much the same bills wherever they live, and although she worked all her life, once the factory she worked in went bankrupt, she only every got casual cleaning jobs, so they didn't amount to a sizeable pension)

  2. 1. Michel
    2. 2018
    3. Artists
    4. Nice
    5. Jack The Ripper

    Thank you for the clip.

  3. 1 Justin
    2 2018
    3 Actors
    4 Nice
    5 Ted Bundy

  4. Oh, dear. Surely someone else will have a sale, too! :)

    1. Justin
    2. 2019
    3. artists
    4. Nice
    5. Ted Bundy

    I mentioned my Doctor Who guide in the video I'm putting up on YouTube today sometime! :)

    I even talked about my half-baked idea of having an "All About Doctor Who" channel. Only half-joking! :)


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