
Tuesday 19 October 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-10-2021: Oxfordshire Day

19th October, 2021.

Right … 

It has to be said: we have an occasional rat problem in our building.

That near enough everyone has been complaining about.

It finally came to a point when one neighbour sent around a letter: reminding us of who’d been visited by rats, and who to get in touch with at Clarion, out landlords.

Which got practically everyone emailing them, and local journalist Piers Meyler.

According to the email I got from Clarion, last night?
‘We’ve arranged for Abate Pest Management to carryout communal treatment works and they’ll also be accessing multiple properties on their visit.   To ensure Abate can access necessary parts of the building we’ve given then your contact details.   Abate will contact you to arrange necessary appointments within the next 48 hours.’

We can get the problem sorted.

Although, given many of us feel our previous landlords were a lot better at keeping in touch with residents?

I think none of us were surprised that it’s taken some prodding to get Clarion moving.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Edith†, Mum‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on three and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        19th October is Oxfordshire Day.   It’s also the Feast day of Saint Frideswide: the patron saint of which University?
Q2)        That university city is famous for its dreaming what: spires, towers or hills?

Q3)        What’s Oxfordshire’s county town: Oxford, Banbury or Witney?

Q4)        Abington on Thames is in Oxfordshire.   But up until 1974, it had been the country town of where: Berkshire, Wiltshire or Gloucestershire?

Q5)        True or false.   Oxfordshire has a coast line.

Q6)        The Rollright Stones are in Oxfordshire: on its borders with Warwickshire.   They’re used in a Dr Who story called what: The Pirate Planet, The Stones of Blood or The Androids of Tara?

Q7)        Oxfordshire’s flag has a bright red what on it: bull, crow or tiger?

Q8)        The flag has two wavy white lines on it: that represent the River Thames.   The part of the Thames going through Oxfordshire is known as the what: Isis, Isosceles or Isomorphic?

Q9)        Celebrity chef, Rick Stein, was born in Oxfordshire.   He owns four restaurants in which Cornish town: Padstow, Falmouth or Newquay?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Uffington White Horse is in Oxfordshire.   It’s made out of what: chalk, limestone or ammonia?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        18th October, 1919, saw the birth of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.   He and his son have both served as Prime Minister of Canada.   Which son: Justin, Michel or Alexandre?
A1)        Current PM, Justin Trudeau.

Q2)        Jessica Meir and Christina Koch performed the first all female space walk: on 18th October of which year: 2017, 2018 or 2019?
A2)        2019.

Q3)        18th October is the feast of Luke the Evangelist.   He’s the patron saint of whom: artists, musicians or actors?
A3)        Artists.

Q4)        18th October, 1983, saw the birth of Brazilian football, Dante.   He currently plays for which French side: Lyon, Marseilles or Nice?
A4)        Nice: or Olympique Gymnaste Club Nice Côte d'Azur if you want it in full.

Q5)        Finally … ?   18th October, 1987, saw the birth of actor, Zac Efron.   Which serial killer did he play in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile: Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper or David Berkowitz?
A5)        Ted Bundy.
Here’s a motto … 
‘Sapere Aude’
(‘Dare to be Wise’)

Oxfordshire’s Motto.
And some folk music …

Just so everyone knows?

These questions are about the ceremonial county of Oxfordshire: rather than the historic or metropolitan/non-metropolitan areas.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I think that’s common, Olgaª: I get the impression Mum’s pension could have been bigger for the same sort of reasons.
        But help from governments … ?   Is pretty sparse, at the moment: the world over, by the sounds of things.   I know the UK’s government now announced several billion for a scheme to help people replace boilers with heat pumps.   I know it’s going to help with the climate … but I noticed they’ve announced it a week or two after they cancelled the uplift … 

        I’m glad I could help, Edithª.   I just hope you enjoy the films, when you find them.   They’re on the UK iTunes Store: if that’s any help.

‡        Hello, Mumª!

^        Practically everyone in the US, Debbiª: if I’ve understood how Black Friday works.   If there’s anything like Currys in the US, they might be worth a poke!
        I’ve mulled over doing a Dr Who channel.   But so much of my content’s now under the @MrCuddy label, it’s always seemed to be a wast of time: it’s going to involve a lot of reproduced effect!   After all, the video Teasers date back to 2011!
        Did you ever hear of an actress called Janet Ellis, Debbi?   She crops up in The Horns of Nimon, back in the day.   She’s interviewing her daughter — the singer, Sophie Ellis Bextor — on the radio at the moment.   It gives me an excuse to play a tune.

ª        JUST so everyone knows?   The next ten question set is on the 25th October: and all about Picasso … !


  1. Q1) Oxford

    Q2) Spires

    Q3) Oxford

    Q4) Berkshire

    Q5) False

    Q6) The Stones of Blood

    Q7) Bull

    Q8) The Isis

    Q9) Padstow

    Q10) Chalk
    I know energy companies are not allowed to cut off essential services from people deemed vulnerable, but how do they go about it, and who has to make them aware of that, I have no idea, because although not that many, I know people have died due to lack of heating. (The weather is milder in general here, but there are some areas that get very cold in the winter, especially up North and right in the centre of Spain, or by the highest mountains).
    The horse question reminded me that we had one of those chalk figures nearby when I lived in the Eastbourne area, the Long Man of Wilmington, and I visited it with a couple of my work colleagues many years back. It was interesting to see it from close up, but more impressive from a distance.
    I hope the pest control get everything under control soon.

  2. 1 Oxford
    2 Spires
    3 Oxford
    4 Berkshire
    5 False
    6 ?
    7 Crow
    8 Isis
    9 Padstow
    10 Chalk

  3. 1. Oxford
    2. hills
    3. Banbury
    4. Berkshire
    5. True
    6. Stones of Blood
    7. Bull
    8. Isosceles
    9. Padstow
    10. limestone

    Thank you. I'll see if they are on Amazon.

  4. Adam Ant is always a welcome addition to my day! :)

    1. Oxford
    2. spires
    3. Oxford
    4. Berkshire
    5. false
    6. The Stones of Blood (a particularly good episode, I thought)
    7. bull
    8. Isis
    9. Padstow
    10. chalk


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