
Wednesday 20 October 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-10-2021: Danny Boy … !

20th October, 2021.


Oh … 

I’ve got Radio 4’s Today programme on in the background.

You’ll Never Walk Alone, by Gerry and the Pacemakers, is now the most played song at funerals.


That’s a bit too much information at this time of the morning.

At any rate … ?

It’s rainy out.

I’m planning on going for a stroll, later: before I have a video meeting with my Job Centre case worker.

Hopefully, the Rain will have stopped, by then!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, Mum on nine and Edith on seven.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        20th October saw the birth of director Danny Boyle.   In which year of the 1950s?

Q2)        His 2008 film won eight Oscars.   That film was Slumdog … what?

Q3)        The first film Danny directed was released in 1994: it starred Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston and Kerry Fox.   What was it called: The Beach, Shallow Grave or Millions?

Q4)        Naomie Harris appeared in Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later.   She’s appeared in recent Bond movies as whom: M, Q or Miss Moneypenny?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Danny Boyle directed the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics.   Those Olympics were held in which European city … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        19th October is Oxfordshire Day. It’s also the Feast day of Saint Frideswide: the patron saint of which University?
A1)        Oxford University.

Q2)        That university city is famous for its dreaming what: spires, towers or hills?
A2)        Spires.

Q3)        What’s Oxfordshire’s county town: Oxford, Banbury or Witney?
A3)        Oxford.

Q4)        Abington on Thames is in Oxfordshire. But up until 1974, it had been the country town of where: Berkshire, Wiltshire or Gloucestershire?
A4)        Berkshire.

Q5)        True or false. Oxfordshire has a coast line.
A5)        False.

Q6)        The Rollright Stones are in Oxfordshire: on its borders with Warwickshire. They’re used in a Dr Who story called what: The Pirate Planet, The Stones of Blood or The Androids of Tara?
A6)        The Stones of Blood. The clue’s in the name. (The Pirate Planet was written by the late Douglas Adams. The Androids of Tara wasn’t recorded in Ireland: but there IS a couple of Tara Hills. One in Wexford, the other in Meath.)

Q7)        Oxfordshire’s flag has a bright red what on it: bull, crow or tiger?
A7)        Bull.

Q8)        The flag has two wavy white lines on it: that represent the River Thames. The part of the Thames going through Oxfordshire is known as the what: Isis, Isosceles or Isomorphic?
A8)        The Isis.

Q9)        Celebrity chef, Rick Stein, was born in Oxfordshire. He owns four restaurants in which Cornish town: Padstow, Falmouth or Newquay?
A9)        Padstow. A fifth, Stein’ on the Quay, opened and closed last year.

Q10)        Finally … ? The Uffington White Horse is in Oxfordshire. It’s made out of what: chalk, limestone or ammonia?
A10)        Chalk.
Here’s a thought …
“What I’ve always wanted to do is to try and make it look like $100m but it doesn’t cost that - I find that really liberating.”
Danny Boyle.
And a playlist …

In Paradisum was was used in 28 Days Later, Lust for Life in Trainspotting and Rainy Day Women #12 and 35 in Steve Jobs.

So you know!

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, the Long Man … ?   Over in … Sussex, is it, Olga, or Surrey?   I always get them mixed up.   I always think of the Long Man as a cleaner version of the Cerne Abbas Giant!   At any rate, I think there’s a few chalk figures like them, doing the rounds: much like the number of stones circles.   Stonehenge and the Rollrights are the least of it.
        I’m keeping my fingers crossed on the rat front!

        Hello, Mum!

        The UK branch has them on Blu-ray, if that’s any help, Edith.   And it looks like they’re on the US branch, too.

^        I can remember seeing them doing Dog eat Dog on Top of The Pops, Debbi.   It was very memorable, I know that.   From the little I know?   Malcolm McLaren nicked the original Ants and formed Bow Wow Wow with them and Annabella Lwin.   Oh, and Adam’s distinctive dance moves?   He danced like that at the pub gigs they played.   It meant he avoided flying beer bottles … 


  1. Q1) 1956

    Q2) Millionaire

    Q3) Shallow Grave. I really loved that film but it’s been a long while since I watched it. A dark sense of humour always wins the day for me. And all the actors were very good.

    Q4) Miss Moneypenny

    Q5) London
    Yes, the Long Man is Sussex, and yes, it's very polite. It looks more impressive from a distance, but it was interesting going to see it close and personal. Yes, there are quite a few of those around, although at the time, I hadn't been in the UK for very long, so it was all a big novelty for me.
    I hope the weather holds up for your walk and the online meeting goes well.

  2. 1 1955
    2 Millonaire
    3 Shallow Grave
    4 Q
    5 London. The best ever of course

  3. Kind of like the Blues Brothers without the wire mesh protection! :)

    1. 1956
    2. Millionaire
    3. Shallow Grave
    4. Miss Moneypenny
    5. London (of course! I was there! Though, I didn't attend the games, I remember the Olympic Circles on the Tower Bridge, I believe)


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