
Sunday 14 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-7-2024 — France

14th July, 2024: France.

Right … someone’s tried shooting Donald Trump.

And, frankly?

I don’t know if I approve, or not: although, granted, shooting the idiot seems tempting.

And means a possible way for Joe Biden to win the election.

I doubt it, somehow.


Surviving an assassination attempt will be a very good advert* for Trump: it won’t surprise me if he ends up getting a huge sympathy vote as a result of an ‘evil’, Democrat attempt on his life.

No, before you ask, I don’t think the Democrats had anything to do with this attempt.

I do think people will be blaming them, though!


I do know a couple of things, though.


The chap that attempted to shoot the former President has been named as Thomas Matthew Crooks: and was shot and killed by the Secret Service.

That’s understandable: that is part of their job, after all.

But strikes me as … … possibly unwise.

I would rather the shooter be captured alive: as I’d like to hear his personal explanation of his actions.

As, I’m sure, would the people and courts of the USA.

So that’s one thing.

The other?

Is simply that at least one witness spotted the shooter on the roof of the stadium where the rally was being held.

And told the police about it.

Who were … well … unhelpful!

Frankly, between them, the Secret Service and the shooter?

And however Trump, Biden and the people of the US feel about this?

The incident has handed Donald Trump the election.


There’s possibly many other things to wave at you.

But … ?

On a personal front, I can happily announce I’ve reached 1, 200 subscribers on YouTube.

Another one hundred subscribers, though?

Would be nice … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring ten out of ten.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        14th July is Bastille Day in France.   What’s the French capital city?

Q2)        What’s the official language of France?

Q3)        Who is the current President of France?

Q4)        The original Bastille Day was in which year of the 1780s?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Modern France is the Fifth French Republic.   The Fifth Republic was founded in which year of the 1950s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Harrison Ford was born on 13th July.   In which year of the 1940s?
A1)        1942.

Q2)        Does he have a middle name?
A2)        No.

Q3)        Harrison played Han Solo in the Star Wars movies.   What was the first Star Wars film Ford appeared in?
A3)        Star Wars: also called Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope.

Q4)        What was the most recent Star Wars film Ford appears in: Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi or Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker?

Q5)        He first played Indiana Jones in 1981. In which film?
A5)        Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Q6)        Harrison played Indy, most recently, in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.   Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was released in which year: 2022, 2023 or 2024?
A6)        2023.

Q7)        Harrison played Colonel Graff in 2013’s Ender’s Game.   Who played Ender: Colin Morgan, Asa Butterfield or Daniel Radcliffe?
A7)        Asa Butterfield.

Q8)        Harrison is married to actress, Calista Flockhart.   Calista played which fictional lawyer: Miranda Hobbes, Ally McBeal or She-Hulk?

Q9)        Ford plays Detective Sergeant John Book in Witness.   The film features believers from which American religious movement: the Mormons, the Amish or the Great Ghost Dance … ?
A9) The Amish.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Harrison first worked with George Lucas in 1973.   In a film called what: THX 1138, Star Wars or American Graffiti?
A10)        American Graffiti.
Here’s a thought …
“First of all, let’s dispense with this absurd stereotype that the French are rude.   The French are not rude.   They just happen to hate you.”
Dave Barry.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I still remember reading Making History, a time travel novel by Stephen Fry, many years ago: about a man who goes back in time to prevent the birth of Adolf Hitler.   With the result that Germany won the war: someone far more efficient than Hitler ended up in charge of the Nazis …

†        Oh, the interviewee was late?   Yeah, that will hold things up, Olga.   I’d imagine the chef would’ve had a lot — metaphorically! — on his plate!   Either way, I know exactly how these things can be: especially if no-one contacts you!   For me, that’s the really frustrating part!
        Oh, that Christmas lunch sounded iffy!   I’d be curious about what caused it, too!   (I still remember cooking my first Sunday roast.   No-one told me you’re supposed to grease the base of the roasting tin, though: the bottom half of the chicken got stuck.)

‡        Hello, Mum!

§        Don’t look at me, Debbi: the titles are George Lucas’ fault!   At any rate, today’s set should be an improvement, and don’t mention fictional lawyers/attorneys/barristers/solicitors¶/what have you.
        The next ten question set’s on the 26th, Debbi, so you know: that’s (hopefully) shorter!

        If I recall correctly, Debbi, solicitors are called solicitors, because they’re allowed to solicit.   I just wonder if they get mixed up with anyone else who solicits … !


  1. Oh, about Trump, Debbi?

    The jokes are doing the rounds, already.

    I’ve seen one picture of Trump as Van Gogh … and another post that says:

    “If the US isn’t going to have gun control, they should learn how to shoot straight!”

  2. 1 Paris
    2 French
    3 Emmanual Macron
    4 1792
    5 1958 the year I left school

  3. Sounds like a quote from Rick. :)

    Yes, it's terrible, but ... look what it'll do for the conspiracy theorists! :)

    1. Paris
    2. French
    3. Emmanuel Macron
    4. 1789
    5. 1958

    I just wish Trump would go away. Shut up and get lost.

  4. Sorry, Paul, but we've had a terrible day. I went for an evening walk yesterday, one of the organised walks I join every so often, and I got home quite late (or rather, early in the morning), and then at 5 am I hear a huge noise and heard my mother screaming in pain. She had fallen down and couldn't get up. We had to call the ambulance and we've spent most of the day at the hospital. Thankfully, she didn't have any fractures, but she'll bruise badly and we were waiting for a long time for the ambulance to come back. Exhausting doesn't quite cover it. So, sorry. I've changed the class with Jordi tomorrow, as I wasn't sure how she'd be first thing, and after not sleeping hardly at all, my brain will need to recover.
    Well done on your followers.


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