
Saturday 20 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-7-2024 — International Moon Day

20th July, 2024: International Moon Day.

It’s officially official: it’s Saturday.

And, thankfully … ?

I’m relatively unscathed by the CloudStrike outage.

I’ve had a Mac for several for several years: and the problem … ?

Only affected Windows based PCs running a specific bit of security software: one called Falcon Sensor.

I’m relieved … and vaguely smug.

Not that smug, though: as the outage affected transmitting a prescription from my GP, to my pharmacist*.

So I’m understanding, I think.

And hoping this mess can be cleared up, quickly.

Equally as hopefully?

I’m hoping this doesn’t happen again.

But … ?   It wouldn’t surprise me if we get another outage in the not too distant future.

Now … 

Is now a good time to tell you to buy a Mac?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        20th July is International Moon Day.   According to whom: the EU, NASA, the UN or the JSA?

Q2)        It marks the first human landing on the moon.   On 20th July of which year of the 1960s?

Q3)        The last manned mission to the moon was in which year of the 1970s?

Q4)        At the time of writing, the most recent unmanned landing on the Moon, was by the Chang’e 6 (嫦娥六号: I believe it’s pronounced chan ge LEE how.) craft: on 3rd May, 2024.   Which country launched the Chang’e 6?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Moon’s gravitational pull is responsible for what: Earth’s tides, sunspots or the black hole at the centre of the galaxy?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold was published on 19th July, 1957.   Who wrote The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold: Evelyn Waugh, Devlin Waugh or Auberon Waugh?
A1)        Evelyn Waugh.   (Auberon was Evelyn’s eldest son.   Devlin Waugh is a minor character in the Judge Dredd strip: he’s a gay, exorcist/assassin that works for the Vatican.)

Q2)        Daniel Fry was born on 19th July, 1908.   He claimed — in 1949 — to have been contacted by who: Soviet spies, aliens or men in black?
A2)        Aliens.

Q3)        19th July, 1223 saw the birth of Al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baybars al-Bunduqdari: also known as Baybars.   He was Sultan of where: Egypt and Syria, Syria and Persia or Persia and Egypt?
A3)        Egypt and Syria.

Q4)        19th July, 1947 saw the birth of guitarist, Brian May.   His signature guitar is the custom made, Red … what?
A4)        The Red Special.   (If I’ve understood things correctly?   Most three pick-up guitars have one five-way selector switch.   You can have pick-ups one, two, three one their own, or one and two on, or two and three: but not one and three or one, two and three.   The Red Special has three three-way switches: and can have any combination of pick-ups active.   I think the phrase they use is “… wider tonal palette.”)

Q5)        Finally … ?   19th July, 1943, saw the bombing or where: Rome, Addis Ababa or Hiroshima?
A5)        Rome.
Here’s a thought …
“A man who did not pause to view a full moon at opportunity had no soul.”
Richard Parks.
And a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It’s for the needles I need: that partner my new medication.   They turn up Monday!

        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, I know what you mean about headaches, Olga!   I think I have a potential one on Tuesday: it’s going to be an early start!
        Yep, I got your answers twice.   Yesterday was one of those days, wasn’t it?   (I’ve just left myself a note: to do a set about it, next year: don’t say I don’t warn you!)

§        You’re right, Debbi: he had to put up with the hideously deformed singing!   And Christopher Lee in drag!


  1. 1 UN
    2 1969 We watched it. You were 16months old
    3 1976
    4 China
    5 Tides

  2. Q1) the UN

    Q2) 1969

    Q3) 1972

    Q4) China

    Q5) Earth’s tide
    Sometimes when I am posting an answer it disappears without acknowledging if it's gone or not, so I'm never sure if I should try again or not. And sometimes it signs me off in the middle of composing my answer, so, again I'm never sure if an incomplete answer might have gone through. I am not familiar with Blogger, so I have no idea.
    YOu must be aware that if all the big companies and services that run on PCs had to change to Macs, first the whole world would go bankrupt (they are not interested in making computers that are affordable and available to everybody, are they?) , and second, and I am not sure what their capacity is, but I suspect they don't make near enough computers for everybody. And then, if all the big companies and services used Macs, they'd become much more attractive for hackers, so one has to wonder... Come on, if everybody used Macs, you'd have to find something else.

  3. That is a lot to deal with. Especially when being burned to death. :)

    1. the UN
    2. 1969
    3. 1972
    4. China
    5. Earth's tides


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