
Monday 22 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd July, 2024.

22nd July, 2024.

Right … Monday … !

And … ?

I’m off to my weight management class, today.

Hopefully … ?

I’ll’ve lost something.

Even if it’s only my wits!


Oh, we’re waking up, in the UK.

To the news that President Biden has stepped down as the Democrat Presidential candidate in this years election: and endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris as his replacement.

I hope she gets the presidency, come November: it would be the first time the US has elected a female head of state.

It’s about time the US caught up!

To be honest, though … ?

I think it’s going to be a close race.

I can just see Trump milking the assassination attempt for all it’s worth.

Especially if he’s facing a woman.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        22nd July, 1934, saw the birth of actress, Louise Fletcher.   She played Nurse Ratched in which Jack Nicholson film?

Q2)        Sidney Chu was born on 22nd July, 1999.   He’s an Olympic what: speed skater, high jumper or footballer?

Q3)        Sir Alec Douglas–Home stepped down as Tory party leader: on 22nd July, 1965.   At the time, he held which Parliamentary post: Father of the House, Leader of the Opposition or Speaker of the House of Commons?

Q4)        Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice entered the Stationers’ Register on 22nd July, 1598.   What was the name of the Merchant, in The Merchant of Venice?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The US Senate voted down a proposal of President Roosevelt’s: on 22nd July, 1937.   A proposal to add more what to the Supreme Court: justices, doors or bailiffs?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st July, 1645, saw Han Chinese ordered wear a what: hat, togo or queue?
A1)        A queue: it’s the traditional shaved forehead with a braid at the back of the head.

Q2)        The Wingfoot Air Express crashed on 21st July, 1919.   It was a what: fixed wing aircraft, dirigible or hot air balloon?
A2)        A dirigible.

Q3)        Jay Silverheels became the first Native American to win a star on the Hollywood of Fame: on 21st July, 1979.   Famously, he’d played who: Tonto, Crazy Horse or Sitting Bull?
A3)        Tonto.

Q4)        21st July, 2019, saw residents of Hong Kong attacked.   The attacks were carried out by groups of which Asian gangsters: Triads, Tongs or Yakuza?
A4)        Triads.   (You can read more about them, here.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Barbenheimer started on 21st July, 2023: with the release of two films.   One of the films was Barbie.   What was the other?
A5)        Oppenheimer.
Here’s a thought …
“A director must be pretty bad if he can’t get a thrill out of war, murder, robbery.”
James Whale, 22 July 1889 – 29 May 1957.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I think the point still applies, Olga: it’s 8.5 million Windows PCs that were affected!   But we could go on for hours, couldn’t we … ?   Especially about China§!
        At any rate … ?   The transport is booked for tomorrow: it’s going to be an early start, to get everything done!   (Say ‘Hi’ to Jordi for me!)

        Hello, Mum!   (You’re right, it was ‘Silverheels’: I’ve corrected it!)

        I hope so, Debbi!   I’d hate to have made a bad point!

§        One thing I do know, Olga?   We didn’t hear much about any problems Russia had, during the Outage.   Not that I’m suspicious: I’m just curious … 


  1. Well, yes, I am not sure we'd here anything about Russia.
    Sorry, but Pau called me this morning while I was on my way to Jordi to ask me to do one of the interviews to one of the commissions of the streets that are getting decorated for la festa major, so I'm busy this afternoon, and when I got home (and I left Jordi's late, because we were watching) there was a plumbing problem with one of the toilets, so I had to try and sort that out (I've more or less managed. It was something I had dealt with before), but I have no time left before I have to go, so let's see how things go tomorrow, although I have to go and finally get my tooth fixed (the crown is ready)!

  2. 1 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
    2 Speed Slater
    3 Leader of the Opposition
    4 Shylock
    5 Baliffs

  3. Best of luck with the crown, Olga.

    And I see your point, Paul. Har! :)

    1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
    2. speed skater
    3. Leader of the Opposition
    4. Antonio
    5. justices


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