
Thursday 22 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-8-2024 — Motor Maniac

22nd August, 2024: Motor Maniac.

Right then … it’s official.

It’s Thursday!

And … ?

I managed to avoid boredom, last night.

By watching 2001: A Space Odyssey for the second time in about five years.

It still looks good: even on TV.

I am very aware it’s been very influential.

Especially the Stargate sequence: it’s inspired countless wormhole effects!

But I’m also aware that, however good it looks on TV — and it looks very good on TV — it’s worth your time watching it on the big screen: as I did, when I first saw it*†.

That … ?

Is the way to catch it!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga‡, Mum§ and Debbi¶ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi and Mum scoring four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Cadillac was founded: on 22nd August of which year: 1901, 1902 or 1903?

Q2)        It’s now owned by whom: Ford, General Motors or Toyota?
Q3)        The company was owned by whom: Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Ford or Thomas Edison?

Q4)        The modern company’s headquartered where: Detroit, Cupertino or New York?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cadillacs famously made what as their standard engines: V-8s, V-10s or V-12s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st August is the feast day of Euprepius of Verona.   Where is Verona: France, Italy or Spain?
A1)        Italy.

Q2)        21st August is World Senior Citizen’s Day.   According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, a senior citizen is someone over what age: 60, 65 or 70?
A2)        65.

Q3)        21st August, 1883, saw a tornado hit Rochester, Minnesota.   The incident led to the creation of what: the Alder Hay Hospital, the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins School of Medicine?
A3)        The Mayo Clinic.

Q4)        Five years later, 21st August, 1888, saw William Seward Burroughs introduce what to the US: staplers, adding machines or ball point pens?
A4)        Adding machines.

Q5)        Finally … ?   William Murdoch was born on 21st August, 1754.   He’s one of the people credited with inventing what: the steam engine, gas lighting or the cotton gin?
A5)        Gas lighting.
Here’s a thought …
“By the time [ … ] the company [was purchased] in 1909, Cadillac had already established itself as one of America's premier luxury car makers.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the company.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I first caught it on the big screen when my Mum took I and my sisters to see it in the late 1970s: after it got re-released in the wake of a well known SF™️ movie.
        Anna and Ruth were scared of the ape scenes: Mum thought the thing was about re-incarnation.

        One thing the various documentaries that came with my copy, confirmed?   Was that the spaceships we see, early on in the film, were supposed to be nuclear weapons platforms: platforms that were supposed to be destroyed by the Star Child at the end of the film.   Clarke regretted not making that clear enough.
        Additionally?   And from what I remember of some of the interviews Clark gave?   For years afterwards, he’d have assorted people hand him brown paper bags at conventions … and say “I saw your film: here, try some of this, maaaaaan … !”   Clarke flushed most of the contents down a hotel toilet … 

        ‘Not the thing to have at home’ is a good way of describing it, Olga.   I believe the ammonia content can do horrible things to the carpet!
        I think I had a sundew plant, many years ago: I don’t think it lasted.   Partly because there weren’t many mosquitoes where I was living: but mostly because I’m not very green fingered!

§        Hello, Mum!   (Do you remember taking me and the girls to see 2001?   It was a long time ago, at Brentwood Cinema.)

¶        Oh, THAT he did, Debbi!   Oh, catch Troll Bridge, if you can: it, and The Amazing Maurice, are very faithful adaptions!


  1. Just so everyone’s reminded?

    Tomorrow’s question set is the 15 question Dungeons and Dragons one

  2. 1 1902
    2 General Motors
    3 Henry Ford
    4 Detroit
    5 V 8

  3. Q1) 1902

    Q2) General Motors

    Q3) Henry Ford

    Q4) Detroit

    Q5) V-8s
    I think I also saw it in the cinema at around that time. Impressive visually, although I wasn't so sure the story was clear enough, especially because they kept talking about Star Wars when marketing the film, and the narrative is totally different (not an adventure movie, really)....
    I went to the radio station yesterday, got the T-shirt (we always get new T-shirts to wear during the festival and a kerchief, and I'm writing the script for some of the interviews we'll be doing during the live programmes, at the studio or in the streets. A bit busy but I've been doing it for a few years now, so it's not too complicated.

  4. I saw 2001 on the big screen when it was released in the late 60s.

    My aunt and uncle took me to see it. I wanted to stay home and watch Star Trek. The original series. :) Kind of ironic.

    1. 1902
    2. General Motors (or GM)
    3. Henry Ford
    4. Detroit, aka The Motor City
    5. V-8s

    Dungeons and Dragons ... oh, my! :)


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