
Wednesday 21 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st August 2024.

21st August, 2024.

It’s officially Wednesday … !

And, frankly?

The day’s going to be quiet.

It’s official: I’ve no forms to fill in, no phone calls to make, no weight management class until after the bank holiday … 

And no invasive medical procedures planned for the immediate future.

Or laxatives!

That’s something to be thankful for.

But also means that — bar the earworms! — I’m going to be bored silly!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi and Mum scoring four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        21st August is the feast day of Euprepius of Verona.   Where is Verona: France, Italy or Spain?

Q2)        21st August is World Senior Citizen’s Day.   According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, a senior citizen is someone over what age: 60, 65 or 70?

Q3)        21st August, 1883, saw a tornado hit Rochester, Minnesota.   The incident led to the creation of what: the Alder Hay Hospital, the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins School of Medicine? 

Q4)        Five years later, 21st August, 1888, saw William Seward Burroughs introduce what to the US: staplers, adding machines or ball point pens?

Q5)        Finally … ? William Murdoch was born on 21st August, 1754.   He’s one of the people credited with inventing what: the steam engine, gas lighting or the cotton gin?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        20th August is World Mosquito Day.   Mosquitos are what: flies, worms or spiders?
A1)        Flies.

Q2)        The word, ‘mosquito’ comes from which language: Spanish, French or German?
A2)        Spanish.

Q3)        World Mosquito Day marks the day Dr Ronald Ross discovered that mosquitos transmitted what: malaria, pneumonia or HIV/AIDS?
A3)        Malaria.

Q4)        The parasite that cause the disease mosquitos carry is a what: protozoa, bacteria or virus?
A4)        Protozoa.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The mosquitos that carry the disease, drink human what?
A5)        Blood.
Here’s a thought …
“… it is the absolute and very comforting rule of the fairy tale that the good and brave shall be rewarded, and that bad people shall come to a bad end.”
Ruth Manning-Sanders, 21 August 1886 – 12 October 1988.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Do you mean these things, Olga … ?   I can see where they get the name.   I’m also wondering if there’s left handed versions: but you knew I’d be wondering about that!
        If I recall … ?   You’d possibly need a lot of bats to act as mosquito deterrents.   And, if the David Attenborough thing I saw many years ago is accurate … ?   You’d get a problem with guano!
        Now … did you know about maggots … ?   My feet are never going to be that bad!

        Hello, Mum!

        I glad you liked them, Debbi§.   :D   And did you know Jobs-autographed kit is worth a few quid?   He wasn’t fond of signing stuff!
        Oh, I’ve an old episode of Star Trek Picard on in the background: one of the characters looks like he’s going to start singing Cuban Pete … !

§        Did you ever hear of a Terry Pratchett character called Cohen the Barbarian, Debbi?   That same episode sees Captain Picard looking a LOT like Cohen … … 


  1. Q1) Italy

    Q2) 65

    Q3) the Mayo Clinic

    Q4) adding machines

    Q5) gas lighting
    Yes, those are the mosquitos I was thinking about. I'm sure you're right about guano, although I know it is recollected and fetches a fair amount of money (but not the thing to have at home). Talking about that, I saw an article about whales' poo and how it it very valuable, but I didn't have a chance to read it.
    My other options were getting a frog (to eat the mosquitos), or, a carnivorous plant, although I've read they are quite fragile and difficult to keep alive... (Venus flytraps aren't difficult to find, but I haven't seen many others on sale...)

  2. 1 Italy
    2 .65
    3 John Hopkins uni
    4 Adding machines
    5 Gas lighting

  3. Mr. Pratchett could come up some characters. :)

    1. Italy
    2. 65
    3. the Mayo Clinic
    4. adding machines
    5. the steam engine


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