
Wednesday 7 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th August 2024.

7th August, 2024.

Right … it’s official.

I had a colonoscopy, yesterday.

And … ?

Quite frankly, I’m not feeling as woozy as I was expecting to be.

And I’m trying to remember if the connected the sedative I was supposed to have.

From what I recall?

There wasn’t anything connected to the cannula I had in my left hand.

And the camera I had inserted in my rear??

Felt a little more uncomfortable than the last time I had the procedure.

I’m feeling hungry, sleepy … but definitely not woozy.

On the upside … ?

I have managed to have a couple of polyps removed: and should hear, soon, if they’re benign or otherwise.

Here’s hoping.


With the riots going on … ?

I’m grateful Brentwood hasn’t been affected.

I’m very aware I live near a mosque: one of the types of place that’s been targeted.

And near a hotel: one that — as far as I know — isn’t putting up asylum seekers.

Like I say: I’m grateful.

What I’m not impressed about … ?

Is Elon Musk getting involved.

The guy may be a rocket launching genius … but I’d rather he didn’t poke his nose in!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        7th August is the feast day of Saint Donatus of Arezzo.   He’s the patron saint of whom: butchers, bakers, or candlestick makers?

Q2)        The STS-85 mission launched on 7th August, 1997.   In which Space Shuttle?

Q3)        7th August, 1876, saw the birth of Margaretha MacLeod.   She was better known as which spy?

Q4)        Singer, Bruce Dickinson, was born on 7th August, 1958 and best known as the lead singer of Iron Maiden.   He’s also a noted, amateur what: fencer, plumber or electrician?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Actor, Cirroc Lofton was born on 7th August, 1978.   He played Jake Sisko.   In which series: Doctor Who, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine or The X-Files?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th August saw the execution of William Kemmler.   In which year of the 1890s?
A1)        1890.

Q2)        He was executed in Auburn Prison: Auburn Prison is in which US state?
A2)        New York.

Q3)        He was the first American executed how: by hanging, electric chair or lethal injection?
A3)        Electric chair.   (The execution was drawn into the War of the Currents: as George Westinghouse, backer of alternating current, didn’t like the idea of powering a method of killing people, whilst Thomas Edison, who backed direct current, was against capital punishment: but happy to see Westinghouse’s generators used.   I believe Edison felt AC was the more dangerous of the two schemes.   You have to love a format war!)

Q4)        Kemmler was executed after being convicted of what: first degree murder, driving under the influence or wire fraud?
A4)        First degree murder.

Q5)        Finally … ?   US prisoners awaiting execution are said to be on Death … what?
A5)        Death Row.   (I’m no fan of the death sentence: so find “Death Row” the most uncomfortable pair of words I’ve written.   I find the idea distinctly uncivilised.)
Here’s a thought …
“The trouble is, if you’re not on the telly, people presume you don’t do anything.”
Brian Conley, born 7 August 1961.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Well … I’m still not convinced they gave me the sedative, Olga§: I definitely felt the camera going in!   The procedure wasn’t too bad, though.   And they caught a couple of polyps: that’s the main thing!
        About the worst of it was how hungry I felt!

‡        Oh, that they are, Debbi§!   Let’s face it, it’s all about putting a camera and a length of piano wire somewhere sensitive!   And I’m not sure I had the sedative, either, now I mention it!
        Either way … ?   I’ve had two polyps out: that’s the important part!

§        What did help … ?   Was simply the fact this is my second colonoscopy: at least I knew what to expect.


  1. Q1) bakers (Nice touch the rhyming answers)

    Q2) Discovery

    Q3) Mata Hari

    Q4) fencer (It seems he’s been fairly busy. I am always amazed at people who manage to fit so many things in, although, in some cases, I guess having money to get other people to sort out the everyday life things the rest of us have to deal with must leave you plenty of time for other things. Although I know people who don’t make a lot of money or have much help and still seem to manage to do an incredible amount of things… Perhaps I need a bigger battery.

    Q5) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    Yes, I am sure knowing what to expect must help prepare you mentally. No idea about the sedative. Did they give you a report or will they send it to the GP? You might be able to see it there (although they don't tend to be too detailed). I'm no longer sure what can be accessed online, as I know the system has been updated and changed a few time, with not very great resorts, if what I read is true. Fingers crossed there's nothing to worry about with the polyps. As you say, it is good they found them and removed them.
    Take it easy today. It was a hard day yesterday.

  2. 1 Bakers
    2 Discovery
    3 Marta Hari
    4 Fencing
    5 Star Trek, Deep Space 9

  3. That's interesting. I was out like a light for mine.

    1. bakers
    2. Discovery
    3. Mata Hari
    4. fencer
    5. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


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