
Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Saga Of Brentwood’s Cinema!

Hmmm …

Well, THAT seemed to be a nice LARGE image, courtesy of Blogger, bless ’em!

In case you hadn’t guessed, I’ve had a reply to my earlier email, to Hazel Blears MP; – she’s the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, and the MP who’s department will be handling the appeal, should it happen.

Which it well might, by the look of the last few lines …

But, here, let me reproduce the text from Ms Tweed, who’s the relevant case officer.

Dear Mr Downie


I refer to your email of 9 March 2009, addressed to the Rt. Hon. Hazel Blears, in which you set out your support for the above proposals. We have been asked to reply on her behalf as this office acts on behalf of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government who is responsible for planning matters in Essex.

As you will be aware, primary responsibility for development control within an area rests with the local planning authorities. In this case, Brentwood Borough Council. It is for them to decide in the first instance, with regard to the provisions of the Local Plans and any other material considerations, what form of development may be permitted in any particular location. Government policy is not to interfere with the jurisdiction of local planning authorities unless it is absolutely necessary to do so and calling in cases (holding an inquiry) for determination by the Secretary of State is comparatively rare.

The application has now been referred for The Secretary of State’s consideration as the application represents a Departure from Local Plan policies. I am sure you will appreciate that it would be inappropriate for me to comment further at this stage on the application. 

In considering whether her intervention may be justified, your comments and any further information you wish to provide, together with any other representations received, will be given very careful consideration. 

Yours sincerely


Planning Casework Team

The application has now been referred …

Which sounds like the Right Hourable Ms Blears will be getting involved.

I’ll be updating this, in a while, but I think I’ll organise an online petition.

But I’d urge those who can to email Hazel Blears on, and Janna Tweed on, and speak out in favour of this development.

I do know that Cllr Chilvers, who’s the local councillor for the area, has been very informative and helpful about the parking.   But voted against the cinema.   You do know you’ve probably annoyed a few of your constituents, Karen … ?

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