You might remember that, a few months ago, I wrote about the terrible state of my street’s parking facilities.
You can read the relevant initial posts, here, but to summarise … it’s a mess.
From start to finish, really …
But, just to keep every body updated, I had an email forwarded to me, by both Dave and Lynn, about a potential residents meeting about it.
But here’s the email that Dave sent round.
“Resident’s Carparking Meeting.
FAO All Residents
You have all been asked to vote on a time of day meeting to consider what action to take in the say of the private carparks of Rollason Way – and the invasion of commuters using then during the day. But no one has been told when the meeting will be.
Today a few of us spoke to Cllr Joan Holmes – the local councillor invited to the meeting – and was told that they hope to have the on the carparking issues at The King Chase Bowls Club which is situated in Kings Chase, Brentwood. less than 5 minutes walk away. Any problems getting to this venue Joan said they will organise another very local venue, but this is down to South Anglia Housing to book the Free venue in the mean time.
So just for anyone concerned about where the meeting will eventually be, it will be very local to all residents affected, time and date to be confirmed by South Anglia Housing, for both Rented Properties and Leaseholders.
Please retum your choice of time as everyone will benefit from a consultation. to the present carpark issues, and dont forget the road consultation is not far behind,
Good Luck, all.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I know I’ve not heard anything about the meeting, but it is nice of Dave to let everyone know. Apparently, it’s very provisionally slated for the 15th April, this year. Anyway, here’s the Google Maps link for it.
Just in case, I’ve also had a quick email from Cllr Karen Chilvers, who’s also taking an interest in the area. Here’s the txt.
ReplyDelete“Thanks Paul
I'm also happy to take resident's queries on the matter - or 07927 404 827.
I do occasionally visit your blog to see what's happening!