
Thursday 5 March 2009

Tonights Gig

OK, I’ll admit to the usual nerves.

And depression.

And anger.

A whole mix of emotions, in point of fact.

 After the utter disaster that was Tuesday night*º, I’m quietly hoping and praying that I get a turn-out, tonight.

I could do with a serious morale boost.

Anyway, just so you know, I’ve not changed the table round; – you can read the preview, here.

Wish me luck.   I’ll hopefully see you tonight.

* What makes it frustrating is the simple fact that the teams who’d been in were in because of that A-board.   It was starting to have an effect.   That’s … well …

º Saying that, I’ve had an old friend share some sad news that does put a bit of perspective on things.

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