
Wednesday 8 April 2009

Once More, Unto The Gazette …

Whoah!   Another letter published!   This’ll start going to me head, if I’m not to careful!

Was that too many exclamation marks, there?

Never mind.

But I’ve just had the most recent letter published in the Gazette — here — so I’m feeling rather good.   Whether anything happens …

But the recent storm about the cinema seems to have faded, somewhat, and seems to be getting replaced by arguments about Eric Pickles, Brentwood’s hardworking MP.

Chap on Question Time, recently?

Yeah, him!!

Given the Gazettes had quite a post bag about this, I thought I’d write them, about it.

Dear Brentwood Gazette

I’m writing in response to the story of Eric Pickles MP second house allowance, and I’ve got to say I really do find it hard to NOT be cynical about politicians.

Now I know that many of our local councillors are a hard working bunch.   I’ve been quietly asking most of them what they think of the idea of Brentwood Council taking up open source software – often a cheaper alternative to proprietary options – and had a positive response.   Given Ms Ford’s letter about saving money, in this weeks Gazette, it’s a good avenue to pursue.

However, while I’m sure Mr Pickles does a competent job as Brentwood’s MP, his performance on Question struck me as all bluff and bluster.   And very defensive.   Not the attitude of someone who is doing something that is acceptable, surely?

And, while I can appreciate that both Councillor Kendall and UKIP’s Stuart Gulleford may well be prepared to forego any housing expenses, I can’t help but notice they’ve both said – effectively – they won’t do the same, when they get elected.

How hard is that to figure out?

Tony Blair’s government promised to wipe out sleaze, when he came to power, in 1997.   Twelve years later, Parliament seems to be the home, not of sleaze, but of fiddles. 

I’m deeply cynical about politicians.   And wondering how we’re supposed not to be.

Paul Downie

Is it tempting to suggest we throw rotten tomatoes at Mr Pickles, when we see him?

Which would obviously be wrong, wouldn’t it … ?

Just to follow up, you can read my posts about the open source mail to Brentwood Council, here, and here.   I’d also like to ask Joanne, who commented here as Arabic, a while ago, if she knows what Essex County Council are doing, on the open source front?   Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Not that I’m suggestin people throw rotten tomatoes, green dried custard, or eggs, at politicians.

    Absolutely not.



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