
Tuesday 12 May 2009


Hmmm; well that’s what ‘The Daily Teaser’ looks like in Japanese …

Mind you, given that I’m doing those with a translator widget, it could well mean ‘Venerable Monkey Poo’.   Funny, really, someone I know, once, swore blind the literal Chinese translation of Coca Cola involved earwax

At any rate, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) May 12th, 1364, saw the founding of the oldest University, where; Poland, The Ukraine, or Germany?

Q2) May 12th, 1924 saw the birth of which iconic British comic; Tony Hancock, Sid James, or Hattie Jacques?

Q3) A little closer in history; May 12th, 2000, Ford Motors announced it was closing its car plant in which part of London?

Q4) In 1999, May the 12th saw the very first session of the Scottish Parliament; in which city is it?

Q5) And finally, today in 1937 saw the coronation of which King of Ireland?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answer …

Q1) May 11th, 1867, saw the world’s only sovereign Grand Duchy gain its independence; which small European country are we talking about?

A1) Luxembourg.

Q2) Today in 1949 also saw Thailand formally change it’s to Thailand; what had its name been, ’til then?

A2) Siam.

Q3) Again, on this day in 1949, which Middle Eastern country join the UN?

A3) Israel.

Q4) Today in 1858 saw Minnesota became a member of the United States; was it the 30th, 31st, or 32nd?

A4) The 32rd.

Q5) Today in 1983 saw the birth of which Australian singer; Holly Valance, Natalie Imbruglia, or Danii Minogue?

A5) Holly Valance.

Q6) May 11th, 1941 saw the birth of Eric Burdon; which 60s band was the singer for; the Animals, The Hollies, or The Dave Clarke Five? (Dave Clarke himself was the drummer, by the way …)

A6) The Animals.

Q7) Moving on, May 11th, 1997 was the day that a Chess computer, Deep Blue, beat a human Chess player in a tournament level match; who was that chess player?

A7) Gary Kasparov.

Q8) May 11th is the Feast day of Saint Abgar; but is he a Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Ethiopian Coptic saint?

A8) Eastern Orthodox.

Q9) May 11th, 1813, saw the only assassination of a serving British PM; what was his name?

A9) Spencer Perceval.

Q10) And finally, today, in 2001, saw the death of author Douglas Adams; which science fiction series is he famous for?

A10) “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”.

Hope those were fun.


And taling of fun, I’ve managed to find a couple of somethings …

I’ve managed to find a couple of rather fun games; online is one called Globs, which is rather fun.

And you can find a link to the little blue chap’s Softpedia page, here.   And that one’s happilly cross platform!

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