
Tuesday 12 May 2009

Techno-Geekery … Continues!!!!!

Hmmm well … the Great Quiz Transferring Project seems to be coming along …

As you’ve probably realised, by now, I’ve got a slice of vintage Mac, tucked away in the bedroom; in the shape of a Mac Performa 6400/200, running Mac OS 7.5.3.

Before you say anything …

And as you’ll probably know, from my last post, I’ve managed to successfully transfer over the backlog of quizzes from my Mini — a Core 2 Duo version, from last year, running Mac OS X 10. 5.6.

And I’ve got to admit, it’s nice to able, while the Performa seems to have problems opening the .pdf versions I created on the Mini — why, I don’t know — when I open the version of Adobe Reader on the Performa, I can open then directly from the Reader File menu.

I can also, quite happily copy and paste them into Claris Works — the predessesor to Apple’s iWork suite — and format them from there.

As you’ve probably worked out, that’s a handy thing for me to know.

About the only problem I have now, is that I’m looking to install the 7.5.5 updates I downloaded from Apple’s own Forums.

The problem here, is that the Performa has no copy of Stuffit that I can use to open those updat files.   And Smith Micro doesn’t seem to be handing copies out, any more.

At least, not for Mac OS 7.5.3.

Hmmm …

As soon as I find out more, I’ll let you know.

Either way the next step in the project, is to see if any of the backed movies and tv shows I have can be converted into a form that can be read by the Performa; it’d by nice to watch some …

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