
Tuesday 5 May 2009

The Daily Teaser …

Geehh … I hate early morning Teaser writing …

Which possibly explains why today’s is a short one …

I’m tired out; mostly after playing around with an antique, all evening!   Which was fun.

Anyway, enough wittering!

Anyway, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) Today in 1921 saw the introduction of which well known perfume?

Q2) Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Mexico; it celebrates a successful repelling of an invasion by which European country?

Q3) May 5th, 1891, saw the opening of the New York Music Hall; what’s it called now; Carnegie Hall, the New York Metropolitan, or the New York Opera House?

Q4) May 5th, 1877, saw Sitting Bull and his tribe flee to Canada, to escape US troops; which tribe did Sitting Bull lead?

Q5) And finally, May 5th, 1818, saw the birth of which revolutionary German writer; Karl Marx, or Friedrich Engels?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first female PM, on May the 4th; in which year of the 1970s?

A1) 1979.

Q2) More to the point, which constituency was she MP for; Finchley, Grantham, or Henley?

A2) Finchley.

Q3) She got nicknamed ‘The Milk Snatcher’, whilst Education Secretary in the early 1970s; who was PM, when she was Education Secretary?

A3) Edward ‘Ted’ Heath.

Q4) Leaders of which country gave Margaret Thatcher the nickname, ‘The Iron Lady’; Russia, Germany, or France?

A4) Russia.

Q5) Finally, on the Thatcher front, who replaced her as PM, in 1990?

A5) John Major.

Q6) Talking of elections, who became the first Mayor of London, on this day, in 2000?

A6) Ken Livingston.

Q7) May 4th, 1932, saw which gangster start an eleven year sentence for tax evasion?

A7) Al Capone.

Q8) This day in 1859 saw the first rail connection between two English counties; name either.

A8) Devon and Cornwall.

Q9) May 4th, 1953, saw which American writer win the Pulitzer, for “The Old Man and The Sea”?

A9) Ernest Hemingway.

Q10) And finally; today’s the day that Charles the 2nd ordered the construction of what; The Royal Naval College, the Royal Greenwich Observatory, or The British Library?

A10) The Royal Greenwich Observatory.


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