
Monday 4 May 2009

The Performa and The Round Up …


One thing I know is that I’ve actually fire up the Performa!!

And I think I’ve managed to knacker it.

Um …

By doing a system software restore …

Aren’t I the clever dick … ?

It means I’ve got to now find out how to reinstall the relevant version of QuickTime; version 3.0, or later.   Shouldn’t be too much of a problem, if I can find the blessed thing, and how to transfer it to the Performa.   Or hook the blessed thing to me net connection.

Well, it is about 13 years old!   It’s not like it’s got a modern ethernet connection … I think!

It’s working fine, apart from that, but it does mean I’ve got this mental image, now, of whatever that particular “Simpsons” character is, going “HA HA!

But, at any rate, I should be able to do something with it.   And my bedroom now has a rather funky CD player.   And it’s defionate fun, toying around with the one button mouse …


But, to other matters … one thing I did notice, whilst writing the H. P. Lovecraft post, the other day, was that 2008 saw the release of a film called Cthulhu.

Which looks interesting, but more like the producers wanted to go for Brand Recognition … Rather than actually calling it “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”; the short story by Lovecraft the trailer seems to be implying it’s the film* of.

Reanimator” — whatever its qualities, by today’s standards — is actually derived from the name of the short story it tells, however ’80s it actually is.   (Or ’20s the story was …)

Actually, talking of the trailer, was there a Robert Johnson reference, in there?


I hate it, when things go referentially, post-modern on me …


* I’ll be frank, I’m giving some serious thought to suggesting this for a movie night, one time.   Paul, Adrian, Allison?   Dave?

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