
Tuesday 19 May 2009

The Daily Teaser …

I know, I know, it is a bit earlier than usual … 

But I’ve a long day ahead of me!

At any rate, here’s the day’s questions …

Q1) May 19th, 1536, saw which of Henry 8th wives beheaded?

Q2) May 19th, 1897 saw which famous prisoner released from Reading Gaol?

Q3) Today is also the birthday of which famous Jamaican singer and model?

Q4) Today also saw the birth of Ho Chi Minh; he was a communist leader of which East Asian country?

Q5) England became a Commonwealth/republic, on this day in 1649; who was named as Lord Protector?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answer’s …

Q1) May 18th saw the original publication of “Dracula”; in what year of the 1890’s?

A1) 1897.

Q2) More to the point, what was the name of the author?

A2) Bram Stoker.

Q3) According to the novel, which part of Romania did Count Dracula come from?

A3) Transylvania.

Q4) In the novel, Count Dracula arrives in Britain by ship; but in which English port?

A4) Whitby.

Q5) Who played the Count in the classic 1931 version of “Dracula”?

A5) Bela Lugosi.

Q6) In the Hammer film versions, though, which “Lord of the Rings” actor played the character?

A6) Christopher Lee.

Q7) In the 1992 version of the film, Dracula was played by Gary Oldman, Van Helsing by Anthony Hopkins; Dracula’s mad servant, Renfield was played by which America singer?

A7) Tom Waits.

Q8) Which Muppet character is based on “Dracula”?

A8) Count von Count.

Q9) Count Dracula also appears in a one off episode of TV series, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”; who plays Buffy?

A9) Sarah Michelle Geller.

Q10) And finally, what was the name of the Romanian king that the Count Dracula is loosely based on?

A10) Vlad 3rd. (AKA Vlad Ţepeş, Vlad the Impaler, or, of course, Dracula — “The Son of The Dragon”)

Hope those were fun … Lord knows what’ll turn up, come Halloween …

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