
Wednesday 20 May 2009

L'énigme quotidienne …

OK, Sorry, I couldn’t doing ‘The Daily Teaser’ in French again!!

And I’m also sorry I couldn’t do a better effort with today}s teaser; The 20th 0f May looks a bit sparse on real headline grabbers.

At least as far as quiz questions are concerned …

But, here, have a go, yourself …

Q1) May 20th, 1927 saw Charles Lindbergh start his famous flight across the Atlantic; he completed it by landin at an airfield outside which French city?

Q2) Today also saw the first publications of which group of Shakespear’s works; his sonnets, his tragedies, or his comedies?

Q3) May 20th, 1965, was the date British police were first issued with what; truncheons, tear gas, or guns?

Q4) May the 20th is also the feast day of which Roman Catholic saint; Saint Lucifer, Saint Satan, or Saint Sin?

Q5) And finally, May 20th,1873 saw Levi Strauss and his business partner, Jacob Davies, patent blue jeans with what?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers.

Q1) May 19th, 1536, saw which of Henry 8th wives beheaded?

A1) Anne Boleyn.

Q2) May 19th, 1897 saw which famous prisoner released from Reading Gaol?

A2) Oscar Wilde.

Q3) Today is also the birthday of which famous Jamaican singer and model?

A3) Grace Jones.

Q4) Today also saw the birth of Ho Chi Minh; he was a communist leader of which East Asian country?

A4) Vietnam.

Q5) England became a Commonwealth/republic, on this day in 1649; who was named as Lord Protector?

A5) Oliver Cromwell.

Hope those are fun!!


Oh, as as I’ve the world’s — possibly — most intimidating model/singer a mention …

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