
Wednesday 24 June 2009


Well …

It’s another early start, today. But at least I know I managed to improve high score, on one of Facebook’s sillier games!

Oh, by the way, I don’t know if you read this post about Brentwood’s MP, Eric Pickles, but I think he’s got a question or two, to answers.

At any rate, here’s today’s question’s …

Q1) Today in 1314 saw the conclusion of which battle between England and Scotland?

Q2) June the 24th 1441 saw the founding of which English public school?

Q3) Talking of things being founded … today in 1717 saw the founding of the United Grand Lodge; which organisation is that the ruling body of?

Q4) June 24th, 1901 aw the début exhibition by which Spanish artist?

Q5) And finally, today in 1968 saw the suicide of which British comedian?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Who was elected as the fisrt president of Egypt, today, in 1956?

A1) General Abdel Nasser.

Q2) June 23rd 1983 saw Pope John Paul 2nd met Lech Walesa; which Polish trade union did Lech Walesa lead?

A2) Solidarity.

Q3) On 23rd June, 1940, Adolf Hitler famously took a tour of which conquered city?

A3) Paris.

Q4) June 23rd, 79AD saw the death of which early Roman Emperor; Vespasian, Nero, or Caligula?

A4) Vespasian.

Q5) And finally, 23rd June is the official birthday of which European monarch?

A5) The Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

Enjoy them!!

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