
Tuesday 23 June 2009

Show Us the Money, Mr Pickles …

Remeber me writing, a few days ago, about Eric Pickles, MP, and his laptop?

I’ve just done a bit of quick double checking, on Apple’s site; after all, given the Brentwood Gazette’s quoted figure that he’s said to have spent on the ‘state of the art’ machine, I thought doing a bit of checking wouldn’t hurt.


Now, to reiterate what I’ve just posted on Karen Chilvers’ site, if he went for the 17” MacBook Pro, unaltered, that’d £1899•99p*

And if — and that’s a big word, if — he went for as many bells and whistles Apple offered — 250GB solid hard Drive, 8GB of Memory, the upgraded 3.06GHz processors AND the antiglare display — that’d be £3499.99.

I don’t see an off the shelf, all in one printer being much more than about £150. And a copy of the standard version of Microsoft Office for the Mac is £432•95.º

Which gives us a figure of £4082•94p.

So where’s the other £3417•06, Mr Pickles?

I mean, I know I’ve been accused of wasting taxpayer’s money, but that is taken the biscuit …

* I didn’t include the antiglare screen, in the figures I gave her, there. Sorry, Karen!

º Compare that to the £109 odd pounds for the Home and Student edition of MS Office, or the free to download OpenOffice, or NeoOffice.

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