
Wednesday 3 June 2009

The Daily Teaser.

You know, I almost forgot I could jiggle around with the position of any images.   Either way, that does give me more possibilities for the art work.

And, yes, I know this is going up early, but … At any rate, here’s today’s questions; says I hoping that my new followers on Twitter enjoy them!

Q1) Rocker, Suzi Quatro and “Star Wars” effects man, John Dykstra both have birthday’s, today; which one of them is older?

Q2) Which controversial member of the Royal family got married on 3rd of June, 1937?

Q3) June 3rd, 1989, saw Chinese troops force protestors out of where?

Q4) Edward White became the first American to do a space walk, after his flight was launched, today in 1965; was he on the Gemini 4, 5, or 6?

Q5) And finally June the 3rd, 1940 saw the start of the evacuation of where?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) June 2nd, 1953 saw the first ever televised coronation; who’s coronation was it?

A1) The Queen’s.

Q2) On the subject of famous firsts; who’s circus started its first national tour, today in 1835?

A2) P. T. Barnum’s

Q3) Which of the five ‘Classic’ horse races was first held, today, in 1780?

A3) The Derby.

Q4) John Paul the 2nd became the first pope to visit a Communist country, back in 1979; which country was it?

A4) Poland.

Q5) And finally; 2nd June 1692 saw the first woman to go to court in which famous American trials?

A5) The Salem Witch Trials


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