
Thursday 4 June 2009

The Daily Teaser.

At last, I’m up and about … 

And aching …

Don’t ask, it’s a very long story!!

But, at any rate, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) June the 4th, 1783, saw the Montgolfier brothers of France demonstrate the worlds first what?

Q2) Which US state became the first to set a minimum wage, on June 4th, 1912?

Q3) In another famous first, the US Congress allowed women to vote?

Q4) Which tomb raiding American actress was born today in 1975?

Q5) And finally, the last king of Nepal ascended the throne, on this day; but in which year of this century?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Rocker, Suzi Quatro and “Star Wars” effects man, John Dykstra both have birthday’s, today; which one of them is older?

A1) John Dykstra, born in 1947.

Q2) Which controversial member of the Royal family got married on 3rd of June, 1937?

A2) The Duke of Windsor. (Otherwise known as Edward the 8th.)

Q3) June 3rd, 1989, saw Chinese troops force protestors out of where?

A3) Tianamen Square.

Q4) Edward White became the first American to do a space walk, after his flight was launched, today in 1965; was he on the Gemini 4, 5, or 6?

A4) Gemini 4.

Q5) And finally June the 3rd, 1940 saw the start of the final evacuation of where?

A5) Dunkirk.


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