
Wednesday 10 June 2009

The Daily Teaser …

Yes, I know, it’s another early start, but … !

At any rate, here’s today’s questions for you …

Q1) Black civil rights activist, Marcus Garvey died today in 1940; he’s revered by many members of which religion?

Q2) June 10th, 1829,was the first time which London based boating event occur?

Q3) June 10th, 1977, saw Apple Computer’s ship the first of which of it’s computers?

Q4) June the 10th, 1935 also saw the founding of which self help group?

Q5) And finally, today saw the hanging of Bridget Bishop, the first woman executed as a result of which trials?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) June 9th, 2006 saw the start of the 2006 World Cup; in which German city did it start?

A1) Munich. (Give yourself an extra point for knowing the German name is München)

Q2) Margaret Thatchers’ government won its second term in office; in which year of the 1980’s?

A2) 1983.

Q3) June 9th, 1958, saw the Queen open which airport?

A3) Gatwick.

Q4) Today in 1934 saw the debut of which Disney character?

A4) Donald Duck.

Q5) And finally, today in 1870 saw the death of which famed English novelist?

A5) Charles Dickens.

Hope those are fun!

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