
Wednesday 10 June 2009

Snow Leopard …

Well finally!

Apple has announced the release date for the forthcoming version of Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.6

Otherwise known as Snow Leopard.

Which does look rather good; I know the added support for the various Microsoft Exchange features will go down will for business people, much as I hate to say it.

The Finder, Expose and Time Machine all look seriously improved. Apple are also claiming that they’ve managed to reduce the total size of the OS, compared to Leopard. Seemingly Snow Leopard frees up about six gigabytes of disc space. If I’m any judge, that makes Snow Leopard comparable in size to Tiger, at roughly nine gigabytes, compared to Leopard’s 15.

Either way, I’m impressed enough to want a copy of the full on OS for Xmas.

Apple have also issued the release version of version 4 of their browser, Safari. It’s what I’m using to write this post, and it does seem to show the speed improvements Apple claim for it.

I do know that the updated version of Windoze is rumoured to have an October release. And can’t help but wonder about Apple’s release date for Snow Leopard; and I also know that Apple haven’t released any technical guides, so I can find out if it’ll run on my model Mac.

Either way, I do know this.

I want a new Mini.

With Snow Leopard.

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