
Thursday 18 June 2009

The Daily Teaser …

Phew! Almost got distracted, there!

I got chatting on Facebook, to Kelly, who’s an old friend. And a bit of a charmer, when she put’s her mind to it!

But I have managed to get here to post up today’s questions; here …

Q1) June 18th saw Winston Churchill make his famous “Their Finest Hour” speech; in which year of the 1940’s?

Q2) June 18th, 1945, saw William Joyce charged with treason; how was he better known?

Q3) June 18th, 1815, saw Napoléon Bonaparte defeated at which famous battle?

Q4) June the 18th, 1942, saw the birth of which member of The Beatles?

Q5) And finally; June 18th, 1979, saw which treaty being signed by both the USA, and the USSR?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Today in 1239, saw the birth of Edward the 1st of England; tell us either of his nicknames.

A1) Edward Longshanks, or The Hammer of the Scots. (Scottorum Malleus )

Q2) June 17th, 1885, saw what famous inhabitant arrive in New York Harbour?

A2) The Statue of Liberty.

Q3) June 17th, 1974, saw the IRA bomb where?

A3) The Houses of Parliament.

Q4) June 17th, 1994, saw which American football player arrested for murder, after a dramatic car chase?

A4) O. J. Simpson.

Q5) And finally; June 17th sees the birthday of Director Ken Loach. What’s the name of the film he’s released, this year?

A5) “Looking for Eric.

Hope those are fun!!

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