
Wednesday 17 June 2009

Mine’s an Ubuntu …

Wow! Think I managed to make a friend, there!

Remember me saying about a friend’s PC going down? And installing Ubuntu on it, to get it working again, for him?

Well, I just looked in, to help Denny and Faye set up their ’net connection; which was almost as easy as setting up mine, here. Although I’m fairly convinced I made a fairly educated guess.

But guess, none the less; still, I think Denny’s happy!

While I’m here, though, I’ll encourage those of us who want to switch from Windoze, and who can’t — as yet — afford a Mac, to seriously consider installing Ubuntu. It is free, after all …

You might also want to look at other bits of open source software, too. Don’t worry about platform, either. There’s plenty for Mac OS X, Windoze, and Ubuntu Linux

I do know I always think of an old Harry Enfield sketch, whenever I see Ubuntu in action …

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