
Friday 26 June 2009

The Daily Teaser …

Well, it’s the morning after Michæl Jackson died, and the BBC has plenty of coverage of his death. I still wonder …

Well, given who we’re talking about …

I still can’t help but feel mildly disapproving of the chap’s lifestyle, although I do know the work he did — especially the classics he did with Quincy Jones — will be iconic for years. What’s more, it only took about half an hour for the jokes to start circulating …

Anyway, moving on, here’s today’s Teaser round; ten of them, today …

Q1) June 26th, 1483, saw the coronation of the last English King from the House of York; was that Richard the 3rd, Richard 4th, or Richard the 5th?

Q2) On a trip to Berlin, on June 26th, 1963, President John F Kennedy famously said what?

Q3) 26th of June, 1945, saw the signing of which international treaty?

Q4) More to the point, in which US city was the treaty signed?

Q5) 26thJune 1996, saw the death of which campaigning Irish journalist?

Q6) 26th June is also the feast day of Saint Josemaría Escriva; which notoriously secretive Roman Catholic movement did he found?

Q7) The Universal Product Code — or bar code — was first scanned into a till, today; what chewable product was that barcode on?

Q8) June 26th, 1284, saw which legendary figure steal the children of Hamelin?

Q9) June 26th, 1870, saw the US government declare what as a federal holiday?

Q10) And finally, today in 1936 saw the first flight of the Föcker-Wolf Fw-61; that vehicle was the world’s first practical what?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Back in 1678, June 25th, Elena Piscopia award the first ever doctorate received by a woman; was it a doctorate of Arts, Humanities, or Philosophy?

A1) Philosophy.

Q2) June 25th is also Independence Day in which African country?

A2) Mozambique.

Q3) On a literary theme, June 25th, 1947, saw the first publication of who’s diary?

A3) Anne Frank’s.

Q4) A year later, June 25th, 1948, saw an airlift from which German city?

A4) Berlin.

Q5) And finally, June 25th, 1875, saw what became known as Custer’s Last Stand. At which Battle was this?

A5) The Battle of Little Big Horn.

And, as it’s Friday, here’s the 60 question set, for pub quiz masters, out there …


Q1) What was tested at Bikini Atoll?

A1) The Hydrogen Bomb.

Q2) Which comedienne wrote the TV series “Dinnerladies?”

A2) Victoria Wood.

Q3) Snooker player Willie Thorn calls which town home?

A3) Leicester.

Q4) Who was the BBC’s royal correspondent, at the time of Princess Diana’s death?

A4) Jennie Bond.

Q5) Eurostar takes you to which Paris station?

A5) Gare Du Nord.

Q6) In which decade of the 20th century did a woman 1st sit in the House of Commons?

A6) The 20’s.

Q7) According to the ad, Ian Botham couldn’t eat 3 what?

A7) Shredded Wheat.

Q8) Who’s older, Ruby Wax, or Jennifer Saunders?

A8) Jennifer Saunders.

Q9) What is the new number for BT’s directory enquiries service?

A9) 118 500.

Q10) True or False; - David Soul played Starsky.

A10) False. He was Hutch.


Q11) A rotorblade powers what kind of aircraft?

A11) A helicopter.

Q12) Did early TV have 405, 520 or 635 lines?

A12) 405.

Q13) Which dangerous substance is also known as woolly rock?

A13) Asbestos

Q14) Apples and Apricots were — or are — what kind of device?

A14) Computers.

Q15) Which metal is used in thermometers?

A15) Mercury.

Q16) What weapon did Whitehead develop in1866?

A16) The torpedo.

Q17) What does a pluviometer measure?

A17) Rainfall.

Q18) In which city is the HQ of the European Space Agency?

A18) Paris.

Q19) What word describes a body at free-fall, in space?

A19) Weightless

Q20) Which planet has moons called Fear, and Terror?

Q20) Mars. (That’s the translated names.)


Q21) Which French footballer advertised L’Oreal shampoo?

A21) David Ginola.

Q22) Golfer Ernie Els is from which country?

A22) South Africa.

Q23) Which British tennis player was born on Greg Rusedski’s 1st birthday?

A23) Tim Henman.

Q24) Jonah Lomu plays for which international Rugby team?

A24) New Zealand.

Q25) Snooker champion, and coach, Ray Reardon was nicknamed what?

A25) Dracula.

Q26) Ronnie O’Sullivan won the Snooker World Championship by 18 frames, to 8. Who was he playing in the final?

A26) Graeme Dott.

Q27) Which 3 times Grand National winner died in 1995?

A27) Red Rum.

Q28) Who founded the book known as the cricketer’s bible?

A28) Wisden.

Q29) Which temperamental tennis star was nicknamed the Superbrat?

A29) John McEnroe.

Q30) Who became the 1st black manager of a premiership side?

A30) Ruud Gullit. (He managed Chelsea.)


Q31) Prior to fronting the Blockheads, which band was Ian Dury in?

A31) Kilburn and the High Roads.

Q32) What was Billie’s 1st number 1?

A32) Because We Want To!

Q33) Which port provided a hit for the Beautiful South?

A33) Rotterdam.

Q34) Which Elvis Costello hit was 1st released on Two Tone Records?

A34) I Can’t Stand up For Falling Down.”

Q35) What’s the only battle to provide a one-word title of a number 1?

A35) Waterloo.”

Q36) Which magazine shares its name with a Madonna hit?

A36) Vogue.

Q37) Who wrote & recorded “Riders On The Storm”?

A37) The Doors.

Q38) Which Velvet Underground member played Violin?

A38) Nico.

Q39) Suzanne Vega sang about whose Diner?

A39) Tom’s

Q40) Wuthering Heights” was the first UK hit for which singer?

A40) Kate Bush.


Q41) The Sealed Knot re-enacts the battles of which war??

A41) Battles of the English Civil War.

Q42) Which racecourse has a Royal Enclosure?

A42) Ascot.

Q43) In Monopoly, what colour are the hotels?

A43) Red.

Q44) At the start of a game of chess, how many pieces are on the board?

A44) 32.

Q45) What organisation is the largest private landowner in the UK?

A45) The National Trust.

Q46) Numismatists collect coins, and what else?

A46) Medals.

Q47) What game is played at Hurlingham?

A47) Polo.

Q48) In which US state did skateboarding originate?

A48) California.

Q49) Who replaced Melvyn Bragg, on Radio 4’s “Start The Week”?

A49) Jeremy Paxman.

Q50) What is the world’s largest selling copyrighted board–game?

A50) Monopoly.


Q51) Which British scientist laid the foundations of the Internet, during the 60’s?

A51) Donald Watt-Davies.

Q52) What was the name of David Jason’s character, in “Porridge”?

A52) Blanco.

Q53) True or false; - Malta has the largest Man Utd fan club, outside the UK.

A53) True.

Q54) Who is the patron saint of Television?

A54) Saint Clare.

Q55) Who had a hit with “Stool Pigeon”?

A55) Kid Creole and the Coconuts.

Q56) During the 40’s Hirohito was the Emperor of which country?

A56) Japan.

Q57) Which football club has Jasper Carrott as a fan?

A57) Birmingham.

Q58) During the 20th Century, the Duma was the parliament of which European country?

A58) Russia.

Q59) What was the chambermaid’s name, in “Fawlty Towers”?

A59) Polly.

Q60) During Prohibition, in the US, the sale of what was prohibited?

A60) Alcohol.

I hope you enjoy them. I’ll catch you tomorrow!

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