
Saturday 27 June 2009

The Daily Teaser …


It’s two days later, and there’s still press coverage of Michæl Jackson’s death!!

Well, maybe not that surprising, but I’m wondering how many of us are starting to get a touch … tired … of it!!

I do know that Google was overwhelmed and interpreted the peak of it as a virus attack.

But lets move on, shall we?

Shall we?

Yes, lets …

Here’s today’s questions …

Q1) June 27th, 1844, saw the death of Joseph Smith Jr; which religion (or church, strictly) was he the founder of?

Q2) In the previous century, 27th June, 1759, saw General Wolfe of the British Army, lay siege to which Canadian city?

Q3) June 27th saw the world’s first ‘hole in the wall’ cash machine install; in a wall in which area of London?

Q4) June 27th, 1969, saw the Stonewall riots, in Greenwich Village, New York; which Civil Rights movements is this generally considered the start of?

Q5) And finally, June 26th, 2002, saw the death of which member of The Who?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) June 26th, 1483, saw the coronation of the last English King from the House of York; was that Richard the 3rd, Richard 4th, or Richard the 5th?

A1) Richard the 3rd.

Q2) On a trip to Berlin, on June 26th, 1963, President John F Kennedy famously said what?

A2) “Ich bin ein Berliner.

Q3) 26th of June, 1945, saw the signing of which international treaty?

A3) The UN Charter.

Q4) More to the point, in which US city was the treaty signed?

A4) San Francisco.

Q5) 26thJune 1996, saw the death of which campaigning Irish journalist?

A5) Veronica Guerin.

Q6) 26th June is also the feast day of Saint Josemaría Escriva; which notoriously secretive Roman Catholic movement did he found?

A6) Opus Dei.

Q7) The Universal Product Code — or bar code — was first scanned into a till, today; what chewable product was that barcode on?

A7) A packet of Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum.

Q8) June 26th, 1284, saw which legendary figure steal the children of Hamelin?

A8) The Pied Piper.

Q9) June 26th, 1870, saw the US government declare what as a federal holiday?

A9) Christmas.

Q10) And finally, today in 1936 saw the first flight of the Föcker-Wolf Fw-61; that vehicle was the world’s first practical what?

A10) Helicopter.

Enjoy them. I’ll see you later.

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