
Sunday 28 June 2009

The Daily Teaser

Whoah!! I’m still buzzing from last night’s movie!

I’ve got to admit, “Fight Club” was definitely enjoyable. But it’s a shame I couldn’t make Glastonbury. Stringsteen looked like he did a gig and a half!!

Anyway, here’s today’s questions …

Q1) June the 28th, 1880, saw the capture and arrest of which notorious bushranger?

Q2) Several years earlier, June 28th, 1838 saw the coronation of which British monarch?

Q3) June 28, 1914 saw the assassination of the Austrian Archduke that started World War One; who wazs that Archduke?

Q4) 28th June, 1919 saw the signing of the Treaty that ended World War One; in which French city was this signed?

Q5) Today in 1948 saw Britain’s first champion Afro-Caribbean boxer win his first belt; he shared his name with which highwayman?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers.

Q1) June 27th, 1844, saw the death of Joseph Smith Jr; which religion (or church, strictly) was he the founder of?

A1) Mormonism. (Or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; if you want to be picky.)

Q2) In the previous century, 27th June, 1759, saw General Wolfe of the British Army, lay siege to which Canadian city?

A2) Quebec.

Q3) June 27th saw the world’s first ‘hole in the wall’ cash machine install; in a wall in which area of London?

A3) Enfield.

Q4) June 27th, 1969, saw the Stonewall riots, in Greenwich Village, New York; which Civil Rights movements is this generally considered the start of?

A4) The Gay Rights movement.

Q5) And finally, June 26th, 2002, saw the death of which member of The Who?

A5) Bassist, John Entwhistle.

Enjoy those. I’ll see you tomorrow.

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