
Saturday 27 June 2009

Fight Club: Whoooaahh!

Seriously, whoooaahh!

I’m actually rather impressed by a film.


Was, if you’ve not guessed, was the Brad Pitt/Edward Norton flick, “Fight Club”.

And, yes, I’m impressed by it.

Now I’ve got to admit to having put off seeing it, for years, despite knowing its reputation for being one to watch.

And, for the life of me, I can’t think why!!

It’s the story of the the unnamed Ed Norton character, a sales executive, feeling trapped in a boring job and flat, and wanting out.

Norton gets mixed up with Brad Pitt’s character; one that he co-founds what they call a Fight Club, to vent their frustrations with how their lives are going.

There’s twists.

Oh yes!

But there’s also — for many of us — a lot being said, here. I’m thinking for a lot of men I know, that basic idea of of a Fight Club — somewhere to exercise a sense of masculinity — would be very appealing.

I know it grabbed me, even though I don’t think I’m built for a bare-knuckle fist-fight!!

And that sense of pushing the boundaries espoused by Brad Pitt, because the limits laid out for us are too limiting? That’s another appealing thing.

Now I know that may not convince you to go rent this.

I’d say “Fine.”

I’d also say “Go seeFight Club’”.

It’s one entertaining movie.

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