
Saturday 3 April 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’m mildly …

Hmmm …

I don’t know whether to admit I’m mildly pleased, or mildly disappointed about the marks I’m going to have had out, today …

Naaaaaahh …

Mildly pleased … !

Because, although we’ve only had Trevor put in answers for yesterday’s Good Friday Teaser, I think — think — I’m ahead of the game.

Because yesterday saw Trevor — who, of the regular’s contestants, is the Old Peculiar’s resident boffin* — get (arguably) 10 out of 11.

Mostly in the basis that, although his answer for yesterday’s first question — Simnel cake — is a traditional baked Easterº time treat, I’ve not been able to find a reference to the day of Holy Week it’s usually eaten.

It gives me a chance to go yomping across the net, to find a reference.

And Simnel cake’s very unlike the actual answer, which I’ve been able to verify: which, of course, was hot cross bunsª.

At any rate, let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 3rd April, 2000, saw the US courts rule that who had violated US antitrust laws?

Q2) 3rd April, 1993, saw which race finish in what was described as a ‘shambles’, after two false starts?

Q3) 3rd April, 1948, saw President Harry S. Truman sign the Foreign Assistance Act: how is this act better known?

Q4) 3rd April of this year - 2010 - sees Matt Smith’s first UK appearance as Dr Who: name the actor who first played Dr Who on TV?

Q5) 3rd April, 1991, saw the death of Graham Green: the actor who’s named in the answer to Question 4 appeared in the 1947 film version of which Graham Greene novel?

Q6) And finally … 3rd April, 1924, saw the birth of Marlon Brando. Brando played Don Vito Corleone in The Godfather. Who directed Brando in both The Godfather and Apocalypse Now?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Which baked food are traditionally eaten in the UK, on Good Friday?
A1) Hot Cross Buns.

Q2) What is the Thursday immediately before Good Friday called?
A2) Maundy Thursday. (Why didn’t I mention this on Thursday? Oh, yeah, April 1st … )

Q3) The Good Friday agreement, signed on Good Friday 1998, is also known as what?
A3) The Belfast Agreement.

Q4) Which Irish actor makes his first film appearance in The Long Good Friday?
A4) Pierce Brosnan.

Q5) Good Friday, 2009, saw archivist at Cambridge University re-discover an egg that had originally been filed by whom?
A5) Charles Darwin.

Q6) 2nd April saw Haile Salassie proclaimed as Emperor of Ethiopia: in which year of the 1930s?
A6) 1930.

Q7) More to the point, which biblical figures did Salassie’s dynasty claim to be descended from?
A7) King Solomon and the (unnamed) Queen of Sheba.

Q8) 2nd April, 2005 saw the death of Pope john-Paul 2nd. Which European country was he from?
A8) Poland.

Q9) 2nd April 1977, saw which horse win the UK Grand National for a record third time?
A9) Red Rum.

Q10) 2nd April, 1502, saw the death of Prince Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales: which King of England was he the older brother of?
A10) Henry 8th.

Q11) And finally ... 2nd April, 1982, saw the UK held Falkland Isles invaded by which country?
A11) Argentina.

Enjoy those, everyone. And — just as a word for my fellow fans — I’ll try not to spoil the plot, too much, tonight … !!

* Andrea’s the Teaser’s online poet, and Simon’s the resident Speed Bump.

ª One a penny, two a penny … Nah, you know the nursery rhyme, by now, don’t you … ?

º Actually, that’s debatable: there are quite a few references that say it’s traditionally eaten on Mothering Sunday. Pick a tradition, any tradition. Here’s the important part: don’t start the argument, ’til AFTER you’ve put your answers up!!

1 comment:

  1. Q1 Microsoft Corporation
    Q2 Grand National Steeplechase
    Q3 The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP)
    Q4 William Hartnell (says he has he looks down on all 11 Doctor Whos in the Telegraph 4 page spread in this weeks TV review)
    Q5 Brighton Rock
    Q6 Francis Ford Coppola

    When did Good Friday fall on Boxing Day?

    “You’ll have to wait and see” – Matt Smith – 11th Doctor Who

    What Vegetable did the Fifth Doctor wear in his lapel?


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