
Thursday 8 April 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmmm …

That’s either worrying …

Or very good …

It seems that, in the run-up to Parliament being dissolved ahead of the election, the the House of Commons has passed the Digital Economy bill through its final reading.

Which means it’s now heading for the House of Lords for its final reading.

One of the provisions is to cut off the internet connection of those who persistently illegally download copyrighted material: another always for copyright holders to demand action be taken — as well as the names and addresses — of persistent offenders.

Hmmmm …

I can see privacy issues, there, for starters … !!

But let’s move on, shall we? Yes, let’s … !

Yesterday’s teaser saw both Trevor and Andrea get 8 out of 8, with both putting in some good quotes.

Although, Trevor, you do know I was being mildly ironic about quoting Ode to Sport, don’t you … ? (I still stand by what I said: I’d hate to see who got second and third in that little contest!)

It also saw Trevor getting the Official Clap!

Andrea, would you mind doing the honours … ?

Let’s get moving on, shall we?

And see how everyone does with today’s questions: here there are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 8th April, 1820, saw the discovery of which famous statue, on the Greek island of Melos?

Q2) One hundred and seventy-seven years later, 8th April, 1997, saw which veteran BBC war reporter announce he would be standing for election as an independent MP?

Q3) What was that war reporter’s nickname?

Q4) More to the point, which Conservative MP was that War reported standing against?

Q5) On the subject of politics, who got elected as Mayor of the small Californian town of Carmel, on 8th April, 1986?

Q6) 8th April, 1921, saw the birth of Abraham Basalinsky: he was better known as which English actor?

Q7) And FINALLY … With which director did Abraham Basalinsky work with, on The Fearless Vampire Killers.

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 7th April, 2009, saw the death of Games author, Dave Arneson: which well known role-playing-game did he co-create it with?
A1) Dungeons and Dragons

Q2) More to the point, who did Arneson co-create that game with?
A2) Ernest Gary Gygax.

Q3) One year earlier, 7th April, 2008, saw the death of which British Children’s TV presenter?
A3) Mark Speight.

Q4) According to one very specific UN body, April 7th is World what Day?
A4) World Health Day.

Q5) 7th April, 1994, saw the start of a Civil War: in which African country?
A5) Rwanda.

Q6) 7th April, 1969, saw the release of what’s called RFC 1: this is considered by many to be the symbolic birthdate … of what … ?
A6) The Internet.

Q7) 7th April, 1999, saw the USA win a trade war with Europe, when the World Trade Organisation ruled in its favour: what fruit was in debate?
A7) The humble banana.

Q8) 7th April, 1986, saw which range of computers sold to Sir Alan Sugar’s Amstrad company.
A8) The Sinclair ZX range of computers …

Enjoy those, everyone! I’ll catch you later.


  1. 1. Venus de Milo
    2. Martin Bell
    3. Man in the White Suit
    4. Neil Hamilton
    5. Clint Eastwood
    6. Alfie Bass
    7. Roman Polanski

  2. 1. Venus de Milo
    2. Martin Bell
    3. man in the white suit
    4. Neil Hamilton
    5. Arnold Swartzeneger
    6. Alec Guiness
    7. Anne Rice

  3. Ah, these questions are rough for us poor, deprived Yankees! But here goes:
    1. Aphrodite, Venus de Milo
    2. Martine Bell
    3. No clue!
    4. Neil Hamilton
    5. Clint Eastwood
    6. Alfie Bass
    7. Michael Mindlin Jr.

  4. Hmmm … Weirdly, it seems George post hasn’t shown up …

  5. Q1. Venus de Milo
    Q2. Martin Bell
    Q3. Man in the White Suit
    Q4. Neil Hamilton
    Q5. Clint Eastwood
    Q6. Alfie Bass
    Q7. Roman Polanski


    I have never met a vampire personally, but I don't know what might happen tomorrow.
    Bela Lugosi

    I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it.
    Clint Eastwood

    If you have a great passion it seems that the logical thing is to see the fruit of it, and the fruit are children.
    Roman Polanski (So what he's saying is he has a passion for children! *cough Child Molester*

  6. Q1 Aphrodite of Milos commonly called Venus de Milo
    Q2 Martin Bell (The man in white)
    Q3 'The Citizens' MP'
    Q4 Neil Hamilton
    Q5 Clint Eastwood
    Q6 Alfred (Alfie) Bass (Private Montague 'Excused Boots' Bisley)
    Q7 Roman Raymond Polanski

    The House of Commons - the best club in town. I don't need any other. – Martin Bell


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