
Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Daily Teaser …


I’m up late, I’ll be honest.

Mind you, after trudging around Chelmsford, yesterday, I’ve got to admit I wanted a bit of a seriously early night.

Or a lot of sleep, at any rate …

Remember that I had an interview in Chelsmford, yesterday … ?


It would’ve helped if the bus driver had pointed out the correct stop: I actually ended up a mile and a half away from where I needed to be!

To quote an old friend of mine: “Grrrrr”

But let’s move on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser was a bit of a quiet one: it saw just Trevor bagging 6 out of 6.

Let’s see how he — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 20th April, 1999, saw two pupils massacre 13 of their fellow students — not including themselves — during the Colombine High School Massacre: in which US state was the school?

Q2) 20th April, 1968, saw who make his notorious Rivers of Blood speech?

Q3) 20th April, 1964, saw which British TV channel fail to launch, because of a power failure at Battersea Power Station?

Q4) April the 20th, 1939, saw who record the song, Strange Fruit?

Q5) And finally — after a rather doomy Teaser — 20th April, 1998, saw which terrorist group announce its officially dissolution?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 19 April, 1995, saw at least 80 people killed by a car bomb: in which US city?
A1) Oklahoma.

Q2) The car bombing in Q1) had — according to the man who carried it out — been carried out in retaliation for the siege that had ended on 19th April, 1993: this had been the siege of the Branch Davidian sect compound in which Texan town?
A2) Waco.

Q3) Moving on to happier things … 19th April, 1987, saw which cartoon family début on The Tracey Ullman Show?
A3) The Simpsons.

Q4) 19th April, 1956, saw Prince Ranier 3rd of Monaco marry … whom?
A4) Her Serene Highness, The Princess of Monaco: better known, of course, as Grace Kelly.

Q5) 19th April, 1948, saw Burma join the United Nations: what is Burma now called?
A5) The Union of Myanmar.

Q6) And finally … 19th April, 2005, saw His Holiness, Pope Benedict 16th being elected: prior to this, how was he known?
A6) Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Enjoy those, everyone, I’ll catch you later!

1 comment:

  1. Q1 Colorado
    Q2 John Enoch Powell
    Q3 BBC Two
    Q4 Billie Holiday
    Q5 Red Army Faction commonly called Baader-Meinhof group


    Southern trees bear strange fruit,
    Blood on the leaves and blood at the root,
    Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,
    Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.


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