
Saturday 22 May 2010

Home Studious

Hmmm …

Well, there’s a thing …

Bless, I’ve just had an old friend, Graham, get in touch with me about Ubuntu Studio 10•04.

Well, that’s not actually strictly accurate.

Both Graham and Paul — Movie Night Paul, so you know — had popped in on me to say ‘Hi’, on Wednesday, and Graham had asked if I’d a copy of the Ubuntu Studio install disc.

Of course I did …

So both Graham and Paul ended up with copies …


Actually, while I know Paul likes having a copy around, anyway, I’m also hoping he can pass that one on to Kelly. Who, last time I talked to her, was looking for rehearsal and recording space, as she’d joined a band.

Good luck with that!

All we need now is for Ronnie to say something …


At any rate, my whole point is that I heard back from Graham, today, through Facebook.

Apparently, he and Paul have managed to get the Studio version installed onto a partition of Graham’s laptop.

AND get started on making some demos.

Hmmm …

Wouldn’t mind a listen to them …

1 comment:

  1. for free software it works pretty well, tho i still need a better computer and lots of other equipment. please let me win the lottery... graham


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