
Saturday 22 May 2010

The Earth Hunger’s …



Wheeee … !

I’ve got to admit, I think I’ve definitely seen the star — so far — episode of Dr Who, series 5.

Episode 8, The Hungry Earth.

Now, usually, I’ve got to admit I used to love the Russell T. Davies re-boots of the various monsters he introduced.

But so far?

We’d not seen anything as new, under the new production team lead by Stephen Moffat, and fronted by Matt Smith’s 11th Dr and Karen Gillan as Amy.

Not forgetting Arthur Darville, as Amy’s long suffering fiancée, Rory.

Now the reason I mention this is because The Hungry Earth sees the return — after some 26 years — of the Silurians.

Or one Silurian, at any rate … !

And I’ve got to admit, I like what’s been done with the design, mostly.

Although I think making them less human looking, once the masks were off, would have been nice.

Just to give you a summary, though, The Hungry Earth sees the Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive at a small Welsh mining village.

The actual inhabitants of which include geologist Nasreen Choudhary, played by Meera Syal, who’s leading a team of exploratory deep drillers.

A team that doesn’t know it, but who’s awoken a Silurian deep city: a Silurian deep city that’s decided to fight back, and send in its warriors* …


Which I think is where I’ll leave it.

Except to say just one thing. I’m definitely looking forward to next week.

Writer Chris Chibnall, and the rest of the team have put together a gem!

* The one we do see is called Alea. Who’s played by Neve Mcintosh: who I remember last seeing as Lady Fuschia, in the Beeb’s Gormanghast adaptation.

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