
Sunday 23 May 2010

The Prestige: The Pledge, The Turn … and the Other Thing … !

You know, you can tell that the ITV/AMC remake ofThe Prisoner has really grabbed me, can’t you … ?

Can’t you … ?

I mean, the fact that tonight, on the night that the last episode was due to air, I thought I really couldn’t be doing with watching it …

So when Movie Night Adrian popped in on me, this afternoon, to ask if I fancied a movie, I quite happily started ringing around to see who else fancied it .

Which was just Sarah and Kevin D, as it happens, but Kevin and Sarah — who was feeling a touch poorly, tonight — but Kevin D did manage to bring along a film that was new to me.

The 2006, Christopher Nolan directed, film, The Prestige.

I’m actually impressed with this one.

Based loosely on the 1995 Christopher Priest novel of the same name, it sees two rivals magicians — Christian Bale as Alfred Borden and Hugh Jackson as Robert Angier — whose early friendship turns to rivalry after the death — on stage — of Angier’s fiancée: told in court by the Michæl Caine character, Cutter, who’s been the equipment supplier and engineer for both men.

I’ve got to admit to being bewitched by this one.

Now, other people have done plot summaries, far better ones than I could do at this time of night.

But I will recommend you see this one.

It’s definitely worth a turn … !!

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