
Tuesday 11 May 2010

Oh. Poo.

Oh, poo, indeed …

I’ve got to admit, I’m quietly sitting indoors at the moment, with the BBC News Channel on, in the background.

And, as a liberal voter, I’ve got to be honest, I’m disappointed.

As, as I write, David Cameron, MP, has been to visit Her Majesty, the Queen, and been officially confirmed as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury.

Mr Cameron’s just got to the new office, and is given the big speech.

This is probably where we get to find out …

Hmmm …

Yep, Cameron’s just announced that a) he’s accepted the job of PM, and b) the Tories have announced a formal coalition with the Liberal-Democrats.

And as a Liberal voter, I can’t help but feel vaguely betrayed by Nick Clegg, there.

Betrayed and vaguely sick.

I’ll be honest, I’m out of work, at the moment, so Nick Clegg on his own, with the Liberal Democrat’s promise of lowering the tax threshold for poorer people to £10, 000, very interesting.

I am hoping that that one goes through, as well as the referendum on the Alternative Vote system.

But with no details, beyond the coalition announced … ?

Cabinet seats, aside, I’m blowed if I know what’ll be happening

And that scares, alarms and sickens me.

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