
Sunday 2 May 2010

Who Said What …

You know, I’ve got to admit, last night’s Flesh and Stone post was just a little … rushed … wasn’t it … ?

Wasn’t it … ?

It was …

Something I think I can remedy, now, by telling you a little more slowly what I thought of it.

I liked it!

Does that sound a touch gushy?

Possibly …

But I’ll confess, I did have my doubts about Matt Smith, when I originally heard about him being cast as the 11th actor to play the part, but confirms what I thought when I saw him being interviewed in the special edition of Dr Who Confidential, last year.


Flesh and Stone follows on from last week’s The Time of Angels, and, at one point in the plot, sees Amy, surrounded by Weeping Angels, having to walk out of a seriously wooded forest.

Of — I kid ye not — bionic trees*.

With her eyes shut …


I don’t know that I can add too much more, here, except to tell you to check out the wikipedia entry for Flesh and Stone, and to have a look at the Life, Doctor Who and Com-Bom blog posts about it … !!

But this episode is building on the Time Crack story arc.

And has me wondering if the 11th Doctor’s even more asexual than Arthur Dent … !


To other things …

Shall we … ?

I’ve got to admit, part of the reason myself and Allison were rushed, was simply the fact that we’ve now officially had two movie nights in a row!

Friday saw Dr Kevin Allison, Movie Night Adrian and I at my place for the DVD version of James Cameron’s Avatar.

Last night, however, saw us all heading up to Movie Night Adrian’s to watch the Roland Emmerich directed catastrophe film that is 2012.

Adrian does manage to pick some quite nice salted popcorn …

But 2012, though …

Hmmm …


Now, I’ve got to admit, I went into this, with little or no preconceptions. I think.

But I did know that usually, a blockbuster movie has got be fairly special, to grab my attention.

After all, the original summer blockbuster that was Star Wars does hold something of a special place in people of my age’s hearts.

Avatar, while it may have more or less weight than Star Wars, is both engaging, entertaining, and very well paced: you wouldn’t notice the 2 hours and 42 minutes running time, unless you were specifically watching for it.

2012, on the other hand … 2012 is quite as much of a grabber …

The film sees Dr Adrian Helmsley, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, discover that solar flares are catastrophically heating Earths’s core to levels that will kill the entire human race in numerous horrible ways, and — along with various world governments — to save as many people as possible, in the on-coming floods.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

2012 isn’t a bad film. And is watchable.

I know that Movie Night Adrian and Allison were impressed with it: I do know Allison liked Emmerich’s Independence Day, something I’ll quite happily agree with. Independence Day was a great romp of a fun movie!

But 2012, though … ?

I’m still not totally convinced.

I think, of the two, I’d be spending me money on Avatar

* Now, that I thought was neat little idea!

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