
Sunday 13 June 2010

Another News Zoo …

You know, isn’t it funny what you can pick up from France … ?

Me … ?

I got this lovely postcard from Sarah and Kevin D, from their recent travels …

Bless ’em!

I’ve got to admit, though, that today’s been the first chance I’ve had to scan them in: bless her, sarah popped the card — and some of the photo’s — over on Monday: the day after the D-Day teaser.

What’s funny is the family French villa isn’t that far from Cæn …

And Sword beach …

But I’m digressing, aren’t I … ?

I’ve actually had a reply from Eric Pickles, MP, Brentwood’s MP, following on from the Rethink email campaign I’d signed up for, last year.

Obviously, the £7, 000 laptop can’t be that good, if it takes him all that time … !

Says I …

The actual letter, itself, though … strikes me as being a bit bland, and non-commital.

Quite probably, I think I’d have a word with a couple of friends of mine, to see what they think.

I’ll let you know what they say.

Meanwhile, feel free to sign up for the Rethink email campaign, yourself …


Let’s move on, shall we … ?

The other thing I was going to tell you about about was what I’m picking up about Rollason Way’s endless parking and road’s argument.

Or arguments, I should maybe say.

No, before you ask, I’ve not heard any more about the actual clamping scheme.

But I do know that one of the neighbours has been to see Crest Nicholson about getting their traffic diverted from one end of the street to the other.

To give you a basic summary, my flat is at one end of Rollason Way: the end nearest to the main part of Warley Hill.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, the other end — the unfinished end of the street — is the end that’s furthest from the junction with Saint James road and Warley Hill, itself.

Which means all of that lovely construction traffic still — occasionally — goes past my front room window.

Not too much of a bother, you’d think, as the sites almost finished.

Apart from a large gap, next to the block of flats where Adrian lives.

Which sounds like like it’s going to be another block of flats. Without much in the way of parking spaces, I should add.

Which, obviously means a lot more traffic.


But, from what I’m told, it seems that Crest Nicholson have bought a patch of land at the end of the street that’ll let their traffic exit and enter Rollason Way, via Kavannagh’s road.

Hopefully, that’ll mean that Rollason Way gets adopted by the relevant authorities, sooner, rather than later.

But I’ve got to wonder how long it’s going to take.



I’m going to close by thanking the team at Life, Dr Who and ComBom, once more, for giving me a mention in the Sunday Review round up!

Nice to get a mention!!


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