
Monday 14 June 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I think you can tell that we’ve had the opening weekend of the World Cup, can’t you … ?

Because I think everyone’s abandoned me to blow on their nearest vuvuzela*.

Which doesn’t actually include Charmer Kelly, by the way: By the sound of what she’s been telling me — on Facebook chat, before you get any funny idea’s — she’s been having late night coffee issues, bless her … !

At any rate, shall we get moving on … ?

Here’s today’s questions, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 14th June, 1966, saw the Vatican abolish … what?

Q2) 14th June, 1822, saw Charles Babbage propose his Difference Engine to the Royal Society: which Countess famously wrote one of the first algorithms for its successor machine, the Analytical Engine … ?

Q3) More to the point, who was she the daughter of … ?

Q4) 14th June, 1942, saw who begin to keep a diary … ?

Q5) 14th June, 1789, saw the Reverend Elijah Craig, produce the first batch of what, in Kentucky … ?

Q6) And finally … 14th June, 1952, saw the keel laid for the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine: what was it called … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 13th June, 1942, saw the USA establish the Office for Strategic Services: which government body was the OSS the predessessor of … ?
A1) The Central Intelligence Agency.

Q2) 13th June, 2005, saw who cleared of Child Abuse … ?
A2) Michæl Jackson.

Q3) 13th June, 1997, saw the man responsible for the Oklahoma City bombings sentenced to death: what was his name … ?
A3) Timothy McVeigh.

Q4) 13th June, 1996, saw the isle of Guernsey vote to legalise … what … ?
A4) Abortion.

Q5) And finally … 13th June, 1943, saw the birth of actor, Malcolm McDowell: which film does his character narrate in the fictional slang, Nadsat … ?

Enjoy those, folks.

I’ll hopefully catch you later.

Assuming Kelly hasn’t blown a vuvuzela at meº …

* According to the BBC News announcer’s, the plural of vuvuzela — in Zulu — is amaVuvuzela. Seemingly, the singular is iVuvuzela. Apple are suing, apparently. And I want amaMacs …

º If that doesn’t sound dubious. Kelly? Kelly … ?

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