
Saturday 5 June 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, if nothing else, Terry Jones’ Barbarians is one heck of a fascinating series, it really is.

The episode that Yesterday are showing covers two sets, to be frank: including the Vandals, and the Hunnic hordes of Attila, himself.

Amazing what you end up finding out about burst blood vessels, isn’t it … ?

I’m burbling, aren’t I … ?

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ? Yes, let’s … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Kaiju and Trevor getting 5 out of 5, with both putting in some fantastic quotes, and Kaiju bagging the Official First-In-Clap.

Or round of applause for getting your answers in first, Kaiju, before you start to worry … !!

Let’s have today’s questions, and the ‘How To’ and License, shall we … ? Here they are …

Q1) During the 2nd Boer War, 5th June, 1900 saw British troops capture which South African city?

Q2) 5th June, 1977, saw the world’s first practical personal computer go on sale: what model was it … ?

Q3) 5th June, 2004, saw the death of the retired 40th President of the USA: who was he … ?

Q4) 5th June, 1947, saw the birth of musician, Freddie Stone: he was guitarist and vocalist for which US band … ?

Q5) And finally … 5th June, 1968, saw the shooting of which US senator … ?

And here}s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 4th June, 1794, saw British troops capture which Carribbean city … ?
A1) Port-au-Prince in Haiti.

Q2) 4th June, 1989, saw the Chinese Army shoot several hundred protestors: in which part of Beijing … ?
A2) Tiananmen Square.

Q3) 4th June, 1989 — the same day as the question above — saw who elected as the replacement for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, as head of state of Iran … ?
A3) Grand Ayatollah Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i. (Or سید علی خامنه ای, if you want it in Persian … )

Q4) 4th June, 1973, saw Danald Wetzel, Tom Barnes and George Chastain, granted the patent for which piece of financial equipment?
A4) The automatic teller machine: or Hole-In-The-Wall.

Q5) And finally … the first English colony in what’s now the USA was established by Sir Walter Raleigh — him, again, Angela — on Roanoke Island, 1584: Roanoke Island is in what’s now which US state … ?
A5) North Carolina.

Enjoy those, everyone …

I’ll catch you all later … !


  1. 1. Pretoria
    2. The Apple II
    3. Ronald Reagan
    4. Sly & The Family Stone
    5. Senator Robert F. Kennedy

  2. Q1 Pretoria
    Q2 Apple II
    Q3 Ronald Wilson Reagan
    Q4 Sly and the Family Stone
    Q5 Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy


    “A people free to choose will always choose peace.”

    “Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.”

    “Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.”

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

    “Status quo, you know, is Latin for 'the mess we're in'.”

    Quotes by Ronald Reagan


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